chapter 13

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~OMG IDEK WHY IM SAYING OMG I JUST AM AND CAPSLOCK IS AWESOME!!! lol, lets just get on with the story XD excuse my randomness XD~

(Ben's POV) **Saturday**

Its saturday and im sitting here in the cell smoking, just waiting. "its not fair! You must feel SOOOO special because your lover is coming to save you from this hell" "Fuck off Jess" "dont call me jess" "Why not, JESS?" i said, chuckling and exhaling the smoke.

She rolled her eyes. The gaurd came up to the cell with his keys in his hand and unlocked the door. "Ben" I cockily smiled at Jesseh then put out the cigarette and stood up. "Visit me?" she said, as if asking. "you wish" I said, roling my eyes and following the guard out.

The second link saw me, he smiled. I hugged him. "oh my god i missed you so much" "i missed you too boo, you ready to go?" "yeah" "lets go then"


"you gotta promise me you wont make any mistakes, You have to be there for us ok? Zelda wants to apologize to you" "ok link, i get it, i promise ill be good" I said, getting in the car.


The car ride home was quiet and this secret was killing me. I mean, yeah im glad to be back but i cant fucking stand this secret. I feel guilty more than i feel happy right now. I dont deserve to be out of that cell. "you ok?" he asked, pulling into the driveway. "no...." "whats wrong?" i sighed, i have to tell him. "Link i need to tell you something and you have to Promise me you wont overreact because i realize how stupid it was and now its all i can think about, its all i thought about the whole time and im just going to tell you im so sorry before hand because i seriously feel horrible about this and-" he cute me off. "Ben, Get to the point"

his tone changed a bit. "L-link... DL and i... um... w-we had sex..." i said quietly. He looked hurt. "please tell me you're kidding." "i-im not... and link wait im so sorry and i wasnt thinking, it was a dick move and you were mad at me at the time, please dont be mad!" i said as he got out of the car. I sighed "Dammit!" i got out of the car and followed him inside.

"Link please dont be mad at me! I told you i was sorry and, like i said, it was a dick move and i seriously regret it but now your making me feel even worse about it because you wont fucking listen to me!" I pleaded, following him. "I am listening, Whos idea was it?" He asked, death glaring me. "m...mine..." "Ben goddammit! What the fuck? I trusted you! You see this fucking ring? This is a commitment you made and through that commitment you promised stuff like this would never happen!" "Link Please! im sorry! How the fuck am i supposed to be there for you if you wont give me a chance to redeem myself?" He clenched his fists. "Im calling zelda. If you can proove to her that you can be a good father, ill forgive you. You have three days, and in those three days, you will stay with zelda. If she needs something, you get it for her, If she's tired? You let her rest, and you take care of the baby, understood?"

I nodded meekly and he sighed, then walked into the living room.

Well i officially feel like shit.

I walked outback and lit a cigarette, then stood there, leaning against the fence. I should've kept my fucking mouth shut.

The white dog in the backyard looked up at me. it was tied up to the tree by a leash. Eli was petting him. I put out the cigarette. "im assuming thats coda?" i asked, walking into the yard. Eli looked up at me. "Chichi!" she came over and hugged me. "hey! I missed you l ittle chicky!" "not as much as i missed you! guess what? and promiseyou wont tell daddy" she said, holding out her pinky finger. "i promise" i said, wrapping mine around hers.

"I met a boy" "ooo, whats his name?" "Daniel, and... hes my boyfriend" "Eli..." "I pormise hes not bad, hes my age and he goes to my school, in fact, hes in my homeroom AND most of my classes." "Well thats amazing sweety, how long have you guys been together?" "since thursday" "nice, thats good" 

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