He has no idea who he is dealing with

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I was all dressed up in the gown, heels and jewelry. All a costume to hide my feelings and heart behind. I told my dad that I was singing the national anthem but I have other plans.

My brothers haven't talked to me but I swear it they were crying and they never cry.

"Next is the beautiful young women Malean and she will be singing the national anthem!"

I walk to the middle of the stage head held high not going to let anyone make me feel anything. I was more than a prize. My eyes and face showed this. My eyes full of hate and my face full of disgust. I closed my eyes and then started to sing a song made by an old country singer. The song is about her not taking any crap from her significant other when he has another girlfriend as well as her.

When I stopped singing I looked over at everyone. My brothers were laughing quietly but my father was silent and fuming. I actually started wishing that someone would want me because I know what is coming to me if I go back home. Fifty lashes to my back and most likely he will give me to one of his servants after he has finished drawing on my face with his knife. I look out to the crowd. I will not be afraid I will face my future with courage.

"Eight-hundred-thousand!" I look towards the voice surprised at the amount of money put up for me. My lips form a snarl when I see who put the price on me. It was Prince Harry. No one went against his bid because he is the prince and he gets what he wants. I smirk at this thought. He has no idea who he is dealing with.

I roll my eyes as Prince Harry walks onto the stage. The crowd roars as the prince walks towards me. I am standing there just looking at him now my arms crossed over my chest. He holds out his hand to me and smiles brightly. I just raise my one eyebrow at him. All thoughts of guys being the better gender and respect for them out the window. My first appearance is now and I was going to start by leaving an impression on everyone watching at home on TV or standing here.

"Don't be afraid." I snort and roll my eyes putting my hand on my hip and letting the other one hang at my side. My brothers snicker behind my father who was turning redder by the second. I give Harry my hand grudgingly as he gently kissed it. I pulled my hand away quickly pulled my hand away as soon as his lips left my skin. The crowd cheered and I walked off the side of the stage to my brothers the prince following my every step. The crowd didn't approve and neither did my dad but why would I care as long as I have my brothers backing me up.

Harry and my dad talked for awhile then papers were signed and I was taken to a limo. In the car it was quiet and I was unwilling to break that silence.

"I would like to formally introduce myself. My name is Harry." I roll my eyes and give him an exasperated sigh and turn to face him.

"I am a girl that does not make me stupid. Everyone knows your name." I face forwards and glare at a spot in front of me. Then he tried again.

"I did not mean to insult you. I just thought you might be more comfortable if we started out like everyone else." My face shows the utter disgust I feel about this.

"Oh, joy! Slave and owner bonding time."  He tried again but I cut him off. "Hey, princy just cut the chit, chat I don't give a crap." I was risking a lot by treating the prince of our little world like this. He listened though. He sat and looked out the window and we didn't on talk the ride "home" after that.

Once we got there I opened my door in sink with him and we got out and he looked maybe just a little uncomfortable and that made me feel smug.

"Follow me please." He said as he started walking up some stairs up to the main entrance of the house. I followed because I couldn't see any way out of this. When he opened the door I let my jaw drop a little because this place was amazing. Wooden floors and railings with shiny black metal posts holding them up. What looked like the comfiest couches ever sitting right around a huge flat screen. A chandelier on the ceiling with what looked like raindrops hanging down from it. We kept walking. Up a staircase, down a hall, turned left, right then another left. At least that's what it felt like to me. Then we finally came to a wooden door with carvings into it that were just so beautiful.

"This is your room. I hope that you like it." He opened the door to let me in then gently closed it behind me. The room is beautiful, the room was mainly shades of brown for the walls that reminded me of trees. The ceiling was as if the sky had entered the room. The floor was a red type of wood. I ran to my bed and just sat down and cried. Not even this could take back what has just happened. The only things I loved. My brothers had been taken away from me. Nothing, not even a golden crown, and a silver tiara could change the feelings swirling inside me.

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