Magic Eyes

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It took a few weeks for my back to be well enough to even try to do anything, and my sight hadn't come back, not even close, not at all. That just drove me to try harder than ever to survive by myself.

Running my hand along the walls while keeping my other in front of me I walk into the room. The creak of the floor I stop moving. "Who is in this room?" I ask annoyed at this disability.

"John, how you been sweet pea?" I carefully sit on the ground. Annoyed with life and the turn of events in my life, I shrug.

"I don't know. I took my punishment with my head held high. Almost died, I am now blind and the doctors don't know if I will recover or what caused it only theories about it. Almost the worst thing that has happened is that Harry hasn't talked to me since I woke up the first day." I feel like a baby complaining about Harry and everything but I am lost.

"You also will have a harder time being able to defend yourself against Luka." I feel my blood go cold as I hold tears back. This is not the time to cry.

"I know, how can I fight what I can't see?" I ask miserably. I had been trying not to think about Luka especially right now. How can I ever be independent ever again?

"We will have to train you again. Staring from the beginning and working our way into harder technique." I rub my eyes trying to keep all my emotions behind my face.

"Okay let's start," I say quickly standing up but losing my balance just as fast and fall into the edge of the doorway. I press my hand to my head trying to repress the pain. Frustrated tears press against the backs of my eyes. I repress those too but I feel the effort of this in the back of my throat and the sting of my eyes. John helps me up and rubs my back gently trying to comfort me but it doesn't really work.

"Lesson one is to be able to walk completely normally in an absolutely strange environment." At these words, I scream and let myself fall to the floor just letting the stupid tears escape my eyes. Who cares anymore, I can't do that. How can I even possibly begin to learn how to do that? Navigate the world completely blind. John acts as if this is the easiest thing to do ever.

John rubs my back trying to comfort me but I still feel no comfort in the action. "Boom! Bam! Boom! Bam!" There is such a loud noise getting louder by the second. I hold my hands over my ears and scream louder hurting my ears in the process but that noise hurts me just as much. What is it? Why is it so loud?

"What's wrong?"

"Is she okay?"

"Why is she screaming?"

"I can't take this," I say sobbing on the ground. The room is quiet for a few seconds.

"You are being so pathetic," Harry says. I turn my head towards his voice. How can he treat me like this? " You made your choice, you deal with the consequences. So shut up and learn how to deal with it." SLAP!

I hear the guards run into the room, the sounds of people fighting against each other and Mic screaming at Harry. I stand up shakily and walk out of the room as quietly as I can. I am trying to find my room but end up getting lost.

"Help," I whisper. Then I think, how can I do this? New question how does Luka get into peoples heads? He takes a liquid that is only found in the black markets. Could there possibly be magic in this world? If there was I could get my sight back. Could I be magical? Obviously not if I was then I would not be blind right now, but still...

I heard footsteps coming towards me and I decided to test out my magic idea. I focused really hard as hard as only someone as desperate as me right now could do. I focused on the sound of the steps and where they were. "Ekk!" I squeal because for a split second I saw a girl with brown hair standing in the middle of a bright hallway horribly dressed. It was beautiful, then the darkness came in again.

"Bring me to my brothers, now," I say facing the person standing to my side.

"Wait, Melan we need to talk." I know that voice...

"James, what do you want? I need to talk to my brothers now." I start walking away from James, at some point someone would help me or I would find one of my brothers.

"Please, Melan. I am begging you to listen to me." I stop walking and just stand there whatever he wanted to say I would listen to for a bit at least.

"Well?" I ask after standing in silence for a few minutes.

"Oh right, " I could hear James uncomfortable movements as he decided what he was going to say. "I just wanted to tell you how truly grateful that I am for your help and stepping in so that my sister wasn't hurt, for that, I am indebted to you and I will do anything I can to help you with your sight problem." I can't even think straight at this point.

"Trice is your sister? That would explain your outburst at the whipping. But James my sight being lost is not something that you can help me with. I think it is some backlash from my body having so much stress put on it from the pain. I wish that you could help me but you can't, no one can. I will either have to wait this out or learn to live with it."

James nodded his head but the tension in the air made me feel as if he wanted to argue the problem a bit longer. Or disagree, how strange.

"Melan if you wish I will lead you back to your family." He held my hand and guided me to my brothers. He smelled like outside and sunny days, if magic was real this is what it would smell like I am almost positive.

Is magic real or am I just desperate enough to believe in my hopeless hallucinations? Or was it the desperation that finally helped me find my inner magic? Baaa! I am going to drive myself crazy trying to untangle this mess of an idea.

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