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I woke up with a tube down my throat and oh gosh that smell! What is going on? Where am I, I hope that this isn't heaven. I don't deserve everlasting joy. Maybe this is Hell because it looks exactly like the mansion hos....

"We need to get her out of here. Her system is going crazy inside this building, we can handle it because of centuries of training but she is a child and her body was never meant to be locked inside a building. Let alone one that was obviously meant to disturb the fey biochemistry." I don't know who said it but it freaked me out. Beep, Beep, BeepBeep, BeepBeepBeep! Went the machine tracking my heart, I started to sweat and shake the tub in my mouth was starting to hurt and then it was gone. I gagged as it was removed and I puked again all over myself.

"I hate everything about this life that I am being forced to live," I whisper quietly enough that I myself can't hear but each of my brothers who are in this small room look over at me... I have to be seeing this wrong. They look like... Look like they have been crying. "I am a selfish person and everything that has been happening." I bite the inside of my cheek and sigh. "This is killing me, all I have been doing recently is destroying and hurting myself and others I need to leave. I am going to make a run for the borders and I don't care what you plan to do. You can come or you can stay, but I know for a fact that I can't. I don't know why but here I think of everything that I messed up or what I can't do. It might just be me but my first step to figuring out what is wrong is to leave this path. I need to get out of this place."

They are silent but John nods. "Once we are out of here we will explain everything to you. Like why you keep feeling like this. Why you keep doing things like this. You are right tho it is this place that is driving you to the brink of insanity. It is driving us crazy too, the difference is that we have had centuries of practice controlling ourselves and blocking out the enemy."

"What do you mean centuries?" I ask finally believing I have gone off my rocker. Well I know I have lost it I tried to kill myself.

My brothers shoot John a look and for once it seems like Mic is the one in charge.

"We will explain tomorrow trust me everything will be fine in the end and I promise that we will never let anyone hurt you again," Mic says this with so much intensity in his eyes I don't know what to say.

"Am I broken?" Is the only words that come out of my mouth. I have been jumping from one thing to another making a mess of everything that I touch. Then my head... I grimace when Mic motions for the guys to leave the room.

"You never should have come here. The queen was wrong. You are owed an explanation for these feelings and the pain but not here you see the en-" Just then John barged into the room.

"Mican we have a situation. They found us out. Jakubion is holding them off but we must leave now, I signaled the guard they will be here soon but it might be too late if you two don't run now." John looked at me and then departed in a blink of an eye.

"What is going on!" I whisper yell. The mic picks me up in his arms and kisses my head then we run. I mean really run faster than I ever thought possible. We made a beeline for the forest behind the mansion and a surge of panic went through me but as soon as we passed the first tree my head cleared and I felt something I never had before. I think it was... Peace, but it wasn't long lived because I instantly thought of John and Jakub.

"We have to go back. NOW!" I say trying to escape Mic's grasp but he only holds tighter and growls like he is some type of animal. I scream as he throws me to the ground. I try to get up but instantly something wraps around my ankles. I look down and see roots of trees snaking up my legs until I can't move at all. They stop at my knees but I can't move from this spot. I scream until my throat is dry. Mic walks over to me gives me a hug and then runs back towards the mansion, he is gone before I could say anything. What is going on! Then I see an army. They are fast just like my brothers but they look different their eyes focused, wild hair and lean muscles. The thing that caught my attention the most tho was their pointed ears.

"Oh, my gosh." I barely whisper but they heard me nevertheless they heard me.

"Fawn, you must come with us now." A beautiful woman with an enchanting voice said sternly to me as her golden hair flowed around her and her deep blue eyes pierced my soul. I look at the roots around my feet and see water slowly forming a bubble above my toes. As the bubble grows the roots around my legs turn black then fall to the ground into dust. I look back in the direction of the mansion and then back at the fay army and there was a rightness to them that I had never felt around humans.

"But what about my brothers?" I ask turning to face the girl with the golden hair. She gives me a small smile.

"They have been doing this for centuries with armies much more threatening then Harry's." She doesn't add his title and that is the thing out of all of this that shocks me. Wow, I am such an idiot. Slowly I nod at her and I follow her deep into the forest. The army at my back they had weapons but they all looked like they could kill me with their hands and I am not exactly petite, skinny but muscular.

We walked for hours and I think I was the only one who was sore. Thank the gods when we finally made it to a huge building. It was tall and made of stone and wood. I look at it a little longer than necessary.

"Is there something wrong?" The blond asks with a bit of a smirk.

I smile a bit nervously at her. "I was sort of expecting buildings woven out of trees," I mumble. There are some who laugh and some who grumble about the stereotype given to them. The blond smiles a bit wider.

"Welcome home Fawn." She says to me and for once I do feel home.

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