qUeeN take 2

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didn't know what else to name the title lmao

'Maybe I should stop with this act', I thought while Kaoru was currently fanning me with a hUgE fan and while Hikaru was massaging my feet.

"Is this good enough Y/n Chan?!" The twins asked wanting for my approval. I had worked them well while I was 'sick.' They did whatever I wanted without complaining or anything! Usually Hikaru wouldn't do anything for anyone other than his brother, but now he's following my every command.

Kaoru stopped fanning and looked at me for a moment. "You know you're looking much better today, Y/n.." Kaoru started. Hikaru gazed at me,
"Yea, you're face isn't as red anymore." He walked over the the edge of the bed where I sat and put his hand near my face, but I pulled away. "W-what are you doing?" I asked quickly. "Just checking your forehead," he replied.

"D-don't touch me, you'll get sick!" I told them. The brothers gave eachother a look and nodded. I internally got ready for what was about to happen.

"Ah!" I gasped as I was held down by Kaoru as Hikaru leaned on top of me. He gave me a stern look and put his hand on my forehead. I closed my eyes.

"Y/n!" Hikaru exclaimed. "You're all better!" Kaoru smiled and laughed. "Hell yeah!" he yelled and threw his arms in the air while Hikaru did a mini celebration and threw some confetti in the air. WHERE DID HE EVEN GET THAT??

While they were celebrating, I just sat there in my bed not moving a muscle. Kaoru noticed. "Why aren't you happy Y/n? You're all better!" I snapped out of it.

"Huh? Oh, yea..Yay?" I said very unenthusiastically. For some reason they thought that the 'yay' I said was super genuine, so they got eXtrA hype, making all types of noise. I dont think they know what the words "peace and quiet" means at ALL!!


How long have I been in this house? I think its almost been a month.

I've actually been stuck inside this house for about a month.

What is my life..

"Hey guys?" I spoke as the looked up at me, abandoning the video game they were playing.

"Can we like do something??"

"Sure Y/n Chan!" Kaoru said, "You can have a turn at our video game!'' Hikaru offered.

"No!" I replied. " I want to get out and do something! I don't wanna be stuck in this house all summer."

Hikaru turned the game off. "Fine." They both said. "But if we're going out," Kaoru started, " you'll have to look your cutest!" Hikaru finished with a smirk.


They picked out the 'cutest clothes for their Y/n chan.' The outfit consisted of a white crop top, a (too short for my liking) red skirt, red wedges, and white and red suspenders because I can't get enough nerdier. I styled my hair in a high pony tail letting a bit of my bangs hang.

The twins stayed in their regular clothes and didn't change.
"How come you guys don't get to change?!"

"Because we're naturally handsome.." They stated like it was a fact. But, they were awfully cute in the clothes they were in. They look cute in anything to be honest. I bet they would look even better without clothes o- NO!

"Why is your face red Y/n?" Kaoru asked. "Are you sick again?!"

"N-no! I'm fine!" I said as my cheeks cooled down. "Let's just go," I said as I walked outside to see a limo. I opened the door and was greeted by.. THE HOST CLUB?!?!!

"H-hi guys..what are you doing here?"

"We're going to the carnival with you Y/n Chan!!"Honey Senpai screamed. I smiled. I guess it would be nice to hang out with them again.
"Wait..CARNIVAL?!" I screamed. They all nodded. "YOU MEAN THE CARNIVALS WITH THE CARNIVAL FOOD!!" They nodded once again. "HECK YEA! NOW IM JUST EXCITED BECAUSE.. FOOD!!"

In the car was Tamaki and Haruhi sitting together on one side with Kyoya while Honey and Mori was seated on the other side. I chose to sit next to Kyoya because I kinda relate to him on a level. I dont know why..I just do. And plus I think his rude sarcasm is hilarious. We were about to leave when I had this feeling that I forgot something.

"Hey wait for us!!" They twins yelled and ran into the car.

"Oops..." I said to myself. DON'T QUOTE ME ON THIS, but I'm sure I heard a slight chuckle from Kyoya after I said that. Um..that was very unexpected...


After a 10 minute drive of Tamaki harassing Haruhi and Honey screaming for cake, we finally made it to the carnival. UM LETS JUST SAY THAT IT LOOKED SO FRICKING FUN

There was so many rides and FOOD.
As much as I wanted to eat, I decided to go on rides first because I was afraid if I ate first then I would throw up on rides. And no one wants that.

I was so excited that I grabbed the first person closest to me and ran to find a fun ride. I looked back for a second and it turned out that I was dragging Kyoya with me. Yikes..

"S-sorry Kyoya, but since were here, can we at least go on this ride. I pointed behind me. The ride was called 'Zero Gravity.'

"I would rather not." He said in a calm, cool voice.

"PLEASEEEEE!!!!!" I pleaded. He finally sighed and followed me into the almost cylinder looking ride.

"Have you ever been on a ride like this before?" I asked Kyoya. He shook his head.

We had to stand up and put a strap around our waist. Some people couldn't get the strap on and they started FREAKING THE HECK OUT and it was hilAriOus! They finally were able to get it on and soon after that the ride started.

We started turning round and round, faster and faster. People started screaming their asses off AND IT WASNT EVEN SCARY. EVEN KYOYA WASNT SCARED.(I would've expected that anyway)

The ride was going so fast that it didn't even seem like we were moving, but it was also so fast that you yourself couldn't move. It was like your body was glued to the ride. To me its kind of a calming experience.

Soon the ride came to an end and everyone got off. I'm not gonna lie, I was kinda dizzy. Me and Kyoya stood outside the ride.

"See? That wasn't so bad, Kyoya?"

"Aside from the screaming, it was quite peaceful.."

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