Chapter 1- Truth

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1862- England, London

Today is a special day, the 31st August, my sixteenth birthday. Today, I will find out why I am a Guardian of Roses, and my partner in this.

I was putting on my favourite red ruby gown that went nicely with my amulet. Unfortunately my too long frizzy hair wasn't going to let me do anything with it, so the only option was to pin it back. I hate having to wear my hair back, I don't have a reason why I just do.

With my hair back and a couple of curls over my right eye, amused me as I pulled and watched them spring back.

The door opened and my little sister, Diana, came running in."Evie, Happy birthday," she squealed. She was still wearing her pink night gown. Her blonde hair bounced as Diana jumped in for a hug.

" Morning, Diana." I smile, she smiles back and holds out a box."What's this, is it for me?"

"Of course, silly. Open it," I loved the eagerness of this 5 year old, she was so energetic in the morning. Opening the box, I found a rose quartz crystal. Diana did this every year, she got me a different crystal on my birthday depending on how much I changed. Like last year she got me jade, a blue-green crystal.

"Its lovely, thank you. We better go downstairs, everyone will be waiting." Diana hoped off my lap and grabbed my hand, pulling me to the dining room.

My grandparents were there waiting along with other members of the Roses. Now that I am at age, I am the highest ranked Rose, being a Guardian, but I don't know anything about it.

"Evelyn, Happy Birthday." My grandmother, a cheery, wonderful women who looked like she was in her middle-ages, smiled at me whole heartedly. I smiled back, having a quick scan of the room I noticed that there was nobody new and that there was an empty chair, someone was late. Maybe I would meet my partner later, I thought.

"Now Evelyn, come sit down, we have lots to discuss," Archibald motioned to a chair next to him. He is the oldest of the Roses, one of the greats."Evelyn it is about time you knew the truth. Now that you are of age I am able to tell you of your true origin."

Sitting, I looked at him confused," My true origin?" I know that my parents died when I was little, after Diana was born, but I know my true origin. Don't I?

Charlotte, Archibald's wife, another great Rose, spoke"Yes. I am sorry to say that, you were never born a true Rose. No, you came from a normal, mundane family. We adopted you, for you are a very special girl with amasing powers that could save or destroy us."

I just stared, letting them sink in. I was born from a mundane family, was Diana even my sister then? Why was I even born from mundanes, it's impossible.

"Don't look so shocked, we always said, you're a true English Rose." I looked over to my Grandmother, or who I believed to be my Grandmother, well before just now.

"But I'm not an English Rose, am I? I wasn't born from the true bloodline!" I started to point out.

My Grandfather, frowned at me," That's what makes you special, you don't have to be born from the bloodline to be a Rose. We haven't had a true Guardian, for over two centuries. You are unique."

A true Guardian, a person born with such powers that it can be the worlds saviour or end. I couldn't be one, could I?

Someone cleared their throat," I'm sorry I'm late there was a problem getting over here. Happy birthday Eve," there was only one person who called Eve. I looked up, Edward, the boy with the untidy brown hair and green eyes that fitted into his lightened, grinning face, had arrived there with a red wrapped present. I jumped up and hugged him. Edward, my closest and oldest friend, we had known each other since we were toddlers. "Here, open it later though and then tell me what you think," he said placing the small package in my hands. I looked up and smiled sweetly.

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