«2» I Won't Judge You

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London // 6:57am

Niall feels his stomach bubble as he opens his eyes, looking over to his left to see Liam sound asleep with a smile across his face. He coos at his best friend and wants so badly to kiss him, but he shouldn't. Instead, he quickly, but carefully, gets out of the bed and heads toward the connected bathroom.

He makes it just in time to the toilet bowl, spilling his contents into it as his hearts begins racing fast. Sweat begins to drip from his forehead as he heaves every other second, tears filling his eyes as the pain gets worse and worse.

Liam comes into the bathroom as Niall starts feeling a little better, but he can still sense that his friend needs help. Whatever it is, Liam will help.

"Do you need some ice cold water? A cold compress?" Niall whines softly as his stomach continues to bubble. All that he can do is nod at his friend who's looking at him with worry.

"Okay. Give me a good minute, alright? Please don't die on me," Liam stated before he quickly heads towards the kitchen, leaving Niall, who is smiling at the brunette's words.

"God, I love you," he said weakly, holding his stomach as he continues to spit up into the toilet bowl a little while still smiling softly to himself.

Although, his smile could never fade because Liam is here for him and only him right now. He's taking care of his friend and giving him the attention that he has wanted this past week. That's all that matters to Niall right now. Well, of course, getting better is too, but Liam is way more important. To him, at least.

Less than a minute passes and Liam is storming into the room, watching his step as he kneels down next to his best friend. He's never ran so quickly to get the necessary items for an ill person, but Niall deserves to feel better.

After all, he has been hanging onto Daniele for the past week because she continues to threaten him by trying to leave him if he doesn't give her enough attention. It's hard to just let her go, so Liam doesn't.

He doesn't want to lose her because she does make him happy, even though she may be a little too clingy at times. Liam appreciates the love that he receives from this girl and he wants to keep it. No matter if he gets sad or not because he can't see his friend during this. He's receiving love.

Niall drinks the ice cold water that Liam handed him, smiling as Liam presses the cold compress to his forehead gently. "Thank you," he stated weakly, gently coughing after swallowing the water that was in his mouth.

Liam rubs his back, placing a small kiss to his friend's temple as he smiles. He loves making his friend feel better, and he's thanking the gods that Daniele hasn't texted him yet because he's not spending time with her all day today. Even though they'll be going on their 8th date, it'll only be for an hour, and then he'll be back with his friend.

"No need to thank me. If you're ever sick or just need me, don't be afraid to call, yeah?" Niall smiles gently at him and lets another small cough leave his parted, pink lips. "Can I be honest with you, real quick?"

Niall raises his brow and nods slowly, his stomach still eating him alive since last night. He really needs food.

"Dani... She's become really clingy and I don't know why. I thought I would like it, since that means she really loves me, but that also means she doesn't trust me and trust is important. I'm not sure why should she would be like this."

Niall chuckles lightly and looks back at the toilet again, flushing it again with a disgusted look on his face.

Liam frowns at Niall's little chuckle though, wondering why he would think it's so funny. "Do you think she thinks that someone else likes me? I mean, I haven't been with any girl other than her and my mum. There should be no reason for her to be so clingy unless someone else has been eyeing me."

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