«5» Only For You

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London // 7:52am

When Liam woke up the next morning, he immediately went for his phone. He ignored the messages from Daniele, only noticing one of them, which stated:

From Dani 💕: Okay, I love you a lot x

Although, it didn't make his stomach bubble, he knows exactly why, he continues to look through his contacts without mulling it over. There's no point in thinking about her when he has other important things on his mind.

He clicks on Louis's number, hearing it dial after bringing the phone up to his ear. Not many seconds pass until Louis picks up the phone, smiling as he answered Liam.

"Good morning, Liam," he spoke softly, running his fingers through Harry's hair as he sleeps with a smile.

Liam sighs and runs his free hand over his face, the cool air running along his exposed, tanned skin.

"Good morning, Lou. 'm sorry for calling so early, but I need some help with something, well, I need you to answer something for me."

Louis nods on his end and licks his lips. "I can answer anything, what's up," Louis questions, getting up from his bed to walk over to his bathroom.

"Okay, erm... Last night, Niall came into the booth that I was in, and he started dancing all over me. As he was doing that, he admitted in having feelings for me, and I don't know how to feel about this or him." Louis listens to him intently. "Since I have Daniele, I'm not so sure if I want to try anything with Niall. I mean, we have been friends for so long, and we've grown such a deep bond but going into a relationship that could possibly ruin our friendship we've built all these years, I... I'm just so confused, and I'm getting more stressed out than usual."

Louis sighs, chuckling a bit afterward as he hears Liam whine continuously. "Well, Liam, I think you should try it with Niall, after you break up with Daniele. I know it'll be hard, but the three of us think that she is so bad for you." Liam frowns. "She uses you, tells you what you do, pushes you away from your friends and makes you have no time for yourself. She's too clingy and you need to drop her. Although, I know you have been with her for a good amount of time, this would be good for you, and I don't care if you disagree because I care about your health which she is so obviously ruining bit by bit."

Liam sighs again, looking down at the photo of him and Daniele that was placed on his side table. He runs a finger along her photographed face before nodding.

"I think you're right. I'll need some time to think about what to say and do. She is quite needy and she will never take no for an answer. Plus, having someone do it for me would just be petty, so I must do it myself, even though it'll be hard."

Louis chuckles softly and handles his business, knowing that Liam doesn't care as he is doing it as well. They're like brothers from different mothers, and Harry doesn't mind it at all.

"I'm glad you've seen the light, but if you need any help with breaking up with Daniele, you know who to talk to."

"Who? Are you talking about yourse-"

"Niall, Liam. He knows how to break people emotionally and you should know that because he can be a very emotional person and women keep trying to take his little body like witches for his ways. He knows how to be sassy because of his feminine side, and me."

Liam chuckles and hears the shower running as he steps out of his room, hearing Niall sing beautifully in his own bathroom. "That side of him is quite precious."

Louis nearly squeals at Liam being all gushy over Niall, but he can hear the blonde singing. "Niall's voice is still so beautiful as well. It's raspy, strong and different, and you should be lucky if he eventually sings you to sleep every night."

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