Chapter 3

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I turned to face her; giving my full attention and respect. She sits on the very edge of my bed, gesturing for me to come closer. When I do, she studies me; from my dirt caked shoes to the traces of flour in my hair. She had long-forgotten that this was my father's jacket, and so I can wear it everyday without having to worry about her throwing a fit.

"The Earl Phantomhive is arriving today and will be staying all weekend." She announces, adjusting her hair . My sister received her blonde hair from our mother, but brown eyes from our father. I got one blue eye from her. While it looks strange on me, she looks absolutely breathtaking. And she was often told so by Father. "This being the first suitor your sister has ever had, I expect you to stay out of the way, mundane and dull so she can properly win him over. Is that clear? No fancy dresses. No makeup. Nothing to make you seem even remotely pretty. I want you to be nearly nonexistent. Do anything to ruin her chances and I will sell that stupid horse of yours."

My head snaps up, horror written all over my face. She smiles a disgustingly sweet smile, showing too many teeth. "Good. Just stay out of trouble and you can keep her. Understand?"

I nod my head frantically. Like Carlotta, she refuses to learn sign language. .

"However, I do expect you to make some effort so we don't seem incompetent. But nothing over the top. I'll see you at dinner." With that, she leaves, golden locks swaying behind her.

I take an uneasy breath. I even remotely mess up this weekend, and Dahlia is sold to some complete stranger. I need to get that through my head.

I rummage through my closet, eventually finding a simple lavender dress. It flares at the waist and twirls when I walk. I look at it in the mirror, then throw my dad's jacket over it. I rather like it really . . .

I stare at my reflection. My dull brown hair. Bizarre eyes. Imperfect skin. Do I honestly expect this Earl to pay me any attention?

No. I don't.

I pull my hair out of it's braid. It has a slight wave to it. I carefully clip some behind my ear, leaving enough loose so it hides my left eye, so you can only see the blue one. I think I look fine, but I'd best check with Grace first.

I walk to the kitchen again, pushing the doors open. I freeze.

Grace and Henry are kissing.

I slowly back out, glad they don't realize I'm there and close the doors behind me very quietly. I had just stepped away when the door swings open and Grace steps out.

"Oh! MC, I didn't see you dear." A worry line appears between her eyes. "Did you see . . ."

I nod my head stiffly.

She gives a small laugh. "Sorry about that dear. I didn't think anyone would be coming in." She notices what I'm wearing. "Oh, you look nice! I adore that shade of purple. But your hair . . ." She swiftly removes the clip, brushing the hair out of my eyes. I shrug away from her, tugging the hair back in place.

She sighs and gets on her knees so we're eye level. Placing both hands on my shoulders, she stares into my eyes. "MC. Mary-Clara. You are beautiful. You have incredible eyes. You shouldn't be afraid of what others will think. You need to embrace them. They are a part of you. People look at your sister and think, She's beautiful. But they have never seen you smile when you win checkers. They have never seen the way your face scrunches up in concentration when firing your revolver. They have never seen the real, true you because you never let them see it.

"Please, try for me to be yourself this weekend. I know your mother thinks this is all about your sister, but you have a chance too. You're better than her."

Henry comes out and crouches next to her. "She's right. When has your sister helped to make lunch? Never. She never drops by just to see how I'm doing or to give me a smile. She acts like I don't exist. You are different from her in so many ways. So many wonderful ways."

Do they really mean that? Really?

Grace pushes my hair behind my ear. "We really mean it."

I tackle them in a bear hug, plant a kiss on Henry's cheek and skip off with a big grin on my face.

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