Sollux x agender reader

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(I DO NOT own any of the images used and I absolutely do not own homestuck or any of their characters,and also might have some sensitive topics coming into this so stay with me)

Your POV:
My name is (F/N) (L/N),I was adopted when I was no older than 6. I am agender meaning I have no specific gender identity,I use they and them pronouns,and right now I'm with my 9 year crush,yup you heard me 9 year crush,Sollux Captor.We've known each other since second grade when trolls first came to earth a long time ago,let's just say humans weren't very keen on their arrival,I don't know why,I have more troll friends than I do human friends.I still remember me and Sollux's first meeting.

It was the first week of second grade and you didn't have many friends being very different from the rest of them,always being told your gender isn't real and what not.You knew the names of most the students so it wasn't a problem to recognize someone.As you colored,isolated from the other children, you heard the sounds of giggles and teasing. "How can you even see with those freaky eyes?!" You look over and saw a group of girls surrounding a shaking and small troll,he had a black shirt,grey jeans,and was hugging a bee plush to his chest as some yellow tears threatened to fall from his Blue and red eyes which also seemed to be producing some form of lightning,a similar state you had been in many times before at the orphanage you came from,minus the lightning eyes,nobody wanted to help you back then, they would just watched as the others hurt you,but you weren't just gonna stand by and watch this.You got so mad,grabbing a pair of scissors you walk over to them "excuse me!" They all turn to you as you spoke to the main girl bullying the troll "sorry to interrupt but...I couldn't help but notice how pretty your hair is" she smiled and flipped her long and ginger hair "thank you I use a special kind of shampoo" you took some in your hand "you must take such good care of it,what a shame such nice attached to such a rotten head" you revealed your scissors and snipped off a couple locks of her hair,everyone gasped as she stared at you "I-I I can't believe you just did that,I'm telling a teacher!" You only grinned "go it,I'm sure she would love to hear about you being so discriminative to a yellow bloooded troll,maybe i should inform his Ancestor...or maybe his troll friends,trust me they are worse especially the red one...even if you do Tell the worst I'll get is a suspension,giving me all the more time to focus all my angry thoughts on's just hair,is it really worth all that trouble,and getting me...mad?" The girl was terrified "your a monster!" She shouted and you smiled as you wrapped an arm around the trolls shoulder "gee thanks,that's a compliment,it's better than being called human trash like you" they ran away crying and you turned to the amazed troll "T-Thank you 2o much" he had a cute lisp that made you giggle as you nodded.He smiled "My name2 2ollux and this is my bee plush" he held up the plushie and you giggled before kissing its head and looking at Sollux "My names (Y/N)..."


Still your POV:
I smiled at the memories of me and him,I always like to think that even as a kid I was a natural born badass.I was then brought back to reality when I felt a nudge on my side as I sat on the couch,my dad's ((You were adopted by two men ;3))were out for the rest of the day so I invited sollux to watch movies and play video games."Alterniia to (Y/N)" my eyes flicker to his red and blue ones causing me to blush."Sorry spaced out there for a sec" he chuckled "yah no kiidiing dum dum" "oh fuck off bee boy" we both laughed and I ended up taking his glasses and trying them on, "Oooh look at me,the all mighty thollux Captor,thooooooo good with the ladieth"I️ snort a little "2top makiing fun of my lii2p!" "Oh tho thcary thollux,I'm thaking in my boots"He rolled his eyes and munched on the popcorn we made,I giggle and watch the movie, every now and then I can catch him looking at me in a spaced out stare,even a little hello blush......aww.

Sollux's POV:
9 years,I thought to myself,9 FUCKING YEARS CAPTOR and you STILL can't tell her/him I mean...Them how You feel,how Iv been feeling for sweeps now.I sighed to myself as I stare at them,memorizing each stunning detail about them and how that detail changes when they watch the movie,like it was my first time every seeing them.I chuckle as they talk annoyed to the tv "don't go there you idiot god they always go in the basement I swear!" I laugh "you get way to wrapped up iin the2e moviie2 (Nickname)" I see their cheeks blush,causing me to blush a bit yellow as well."Whatever bee boy" I blush brighter at the nickname,looking up I see they still have my glasses I try and reach for them but they moved away and grinned at me "Come on (Y/N) giive them back" they shake their head "come and get them if you want them tho bad" "oh you don't want that" my eyes start to spark a bit as I crawl closer to them and back them against the side of the couch,gog they are so adorable."Ju2t giive then back (Y/N)" I️ grin devilishly as I️ get closer,my blood pumper racing at being this close to them and with them blushing THIS much.

Your POV:
That smirk he had made pleasant chills run up my spine as I backed into the side of the couch and blushed at him as he crawled closer.I hear his Psiioniics buzz while he was just about to use them he slipped and landed on top of me,his face smashed into the middle of my chest.I was blushing crimson red as this point as I stare at him "S-Sollux..?" I️ dropped imitating his lisp.He looked up at me,unaware of where he was but soon realized it and was a hot yellow mess "wow...." he slowly leaned up to face me,one of his arms pinning me by the middle of my chest.I️ squeaked and stared at him."s-s-Sollux,s-stop that Now!!" He only grins "Gonna giive them back now?" Despite being a blushing cherry I️ placed the glasses gently on his face.

Sollux's POV:
I slowly got off of them and winked as we sat through the rest of the movie,I mentally glared at myself,thinking over and over what I could have done,in other words...I should have kissed them.Thats it I can't take this anymore,if I wait any longer it's gonna kill me,I just wanna hold them,I wanna be with them,I even have had multiple fantasies of Pailing with them,making them mine in every known and unknown way,ravishing their beautiful form with my kisses,not having to worry about anyone else holding them and making them blush for them,that blush is mine...Or at least should be mine.Ok that's IT the next time they speak I'm gonna kiss them like there's no tomorrow then confess to them,I take a breath and tried to calm down.......Please please please gog let them return my stupid ass feelings.

3rd person:
You took the movie out of the DVD player and saw Sollux behind you with a yellow blush,how cute you thought."Ok Sollux we can play video ga-Mmmmfff!"You were interrupted by his lips crashing onto yours in a deep and loving kiss,you were blushing like mad,thinking this could only be a dream,when you realized it wasn't you immediately kissed back.He smirked into the kiss and cupped your cheeks,he then licked your lower lip,asking for an entrance.You denied being the person you where,he whined a bit before picking you up and groping your ass,causing you to moan while you wrapped your legs around his hips and your arms around his neck,he took advantage of your open mouth and shoved his forked tounge inside instantly claiming dominance.You held onto him tightly,tugging his hair,a soft grunt emoting from him as you do this.After a while of this You both pulled away panting and staring at each other,a string of saliva connecting you to him."(F/N) (L/N),ii'v been flu2hed for you ever 2iince the day we met,Ii thiink about you every miinute of every day,you driive me crazy wiith how much you make me red for you and Ii can't take hiidiing iit from you anymore.ii wanna do all the thiing2 matespriit2 do but wiith you and ii don't wanna lo2e you to anyone,iit hurt2 2o much ju2t to 2ee anyone el2e hold you,We've been friiend2 for 2o long and ii can't take iit anymore,2o...wiill you plea2e be my mate2priit?" You stared at him for a while,processing all of this slowly before looking into the ruby red and sapphire blue eyes you loved so much,in his eyes you could see he was being truthful,and deep down terrified of rejection.You couldn't hold back anymore and kissed him again,savoring the sweet and tart lemon honey tast he had to him."you have no idea how long or how much Iv dreamed of you saying that!" He smiled and and held you tight "2o...i2 that a ye-" "YES OF COURSE" you practically shout.He smiled bigger than you've ever seen from him as he spun around with you in the air using his psiioniics."Iv dreamed for 2o long of you 2aying ye2" you smiled and kissed him again,spending the rest of the day cuddling with him on the couch and playing video games.

Yaaayyyy hoped you liked this first chapter and hoped it wasn't that terrible,i decided to touch this first chapter up a bit so yah,if you liked it please vote and follow me and comment who should be next,seeya all next time<3

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