DaveKat part 1

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This one is for a friend who might just be one of the last homestuck lovers along with myself and some other people,so here ya go Hun

"I CAN NOT BELEIVE IM AT CAPTORS STUPID ASS HIVE FOR THIS STUPIDER ASS PARTY" I grumbled to myself.I look over my surrounding area and saw that pretty much everyone I knew was there along with people Iv never seen before.People were either dancing,making out with someone,drunk,high,or all of the above.I wasn't even wearing my usual sweater,I was wearing a grey dress shirt with a black vest,tie,and some shoes I found in my closet.I was on the brink of storming out and leaving but I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder,I turn and was facing with the biggest hipster asswhole in this place,Dave."Yo karkat" he grinned "WHAT DO YOU WANT FUCKASS?" "Well I wanted to see if you were up for a dance,most the ladies here are taken and the Strider can not be seen alone,even if he's the rad DJ" my eyes widen at him as I cross my arms over my chest "WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THAT I WANNA DANCE WITH YOU ANYWAY?" He held out a hand to me with a smile,fuck that smile could just be my weakness and he knew it "Do you trust me?..." I blushed,my body acted without my minds consent as I slowly took the offered hand "YES....DAMMIT YOU GOT THAT FROM MY MOVIES" he laughed. "Come on I'll be like your....cool troll Aladdin" He held my hand gently as our fingers intertwined "ALRIGHT FINE..."I reluctantly followed him,he began to move past the dance floor "HEY DUMBFUCK THE FLOOR IS THAT WAY" I pointed to the dance floor where I thought we were going,and he snickered "Nah dude we ain't dancing there" he pulled me up the the DJ booth and I gripped his hands tighter as I felt all eyes on us.I look at Dave as he took the microphone"Alright...now it's time to slow things down before they get too riled up" He turns on a slow jam then turned to me "ALRIGHT NOW WHAT YOU HISPT-" he put a finger to my lips and smiled that one smile that made me weak "Now...you get the honor of slow dancing with the one and only Dave Strider" I rolled my eyes and blush "YOU MUST USE THAT TERM HONOR VERY LIGHTLY" he chuckled and held my waist before guiding my hands to the back of his neck."Like this,now we move real slow like" we started to sway,I could just feel my face heating up as we were so close,gog I swear this guy is the only one in the whole world who can make me wanna beat the living shit outta him and at the same time make me wanna kiss him...Wait did I just think that,no I do NOT have red feelings for this douch."Hey I know this might be kinda weird and awkward but....this is nice" we whispered in my ear with that stupid yet soothing voice of his as we swayed to the beat of the song.I look up at him and we just stared at each other,or I assume he was staring back on a count for those gogdamn shades,fuck why are they so important to him anyways.My hands began to move along the sides of his head and getting closer in attempt to taking them off,but he abruptly pulled away and let go of my waist "Dude...not cool" I growled "I JUST WANNA SEE YOUR EYES FOR FUCKING ONCE STRIDER NOW COME ON" I try and remove them but he jerked away again and again till we hit the mic and people were staring at me on top of strider trying to take the shades off.Once we realized what happened I got off of him and facepalmed "FUCKING GREAT....I KNEW I SHOULDN'T HAVE COME HERE..." I watch him stand and announce on the mic "sorry about that folks just a little,now maintained,accident,me and...this dude are ok you can go back to partying like freaks" and that's what they did as I stand and gazed at his blank face once again.He sighed as we both got down from the DJ booth and turn to each other,me rubbing my arm.His mouth opened,about to say something but was interrupted when some drunk human pushed him so hard he accidentally tackled me to the ground along with him.I groan and blush before I feel him lift over top of me,I felt something on my chest so I grab it and held it,it felt like a pair of...glasses? I open my eyes and are greeted with a pair of bright red ones,once I take a second look I see the owner of them were no other than Dave,his shades must have been knocked off when we landed.My blood pumper started racing at the sight of them,my face felt like I was being burned alive as I just stare at him,for the first time ever knowing that he was staring back,even blushing.My breathing got shakey,I couldn't help it,and I knew that if I didn't do something my instincts would take over and make me do something I might regret,I push Dave off of me and took off running out of the hive,ignoring all the calls to my name that I thought were in my head but the caller of my name sounded....Familiar.

Shit shit shit shit...Fucking great now he hates me,this is why I don't show my eyes,even to the people I want to feel the way I feel for them.I called his name over and over but he was already gone.I couldn't find my shades at all that night,I of course have spares at my place but I hate having to use my blond hair to hide my eyes the whole way home where I sat on my bed and thought about one specific troll who's fluffy hair,funny jokes,pretty eyes and overall adorable face,could make my heart melt at any given moment,and now I blew any chance I had with getting him to go out with him.I feel some tears run down my cheek so I wipe them before anyone could see.

I sat in my respite block and stared down at the dark shades that belonged to the human who I now know for a fucking fact,I have red,red,RED feelings for.Why do I have to screw everything up....I should have never gone to that party,I shouldn't have tried to take his shades,I shouldn't have ran away.I felt tears go down my face as I sat there and just stared at the dark shades that once hid the beautify red eyes that I have fallen in love with.

This is only part 1 so be patient and part 2 will be in progress for now have a lovely day,bye bye<3

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