Kankri x reader

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Your POV:
"Oh my god Cronus just....Just shut the fuck up im sick of this" "vwhat is your problem" he scream back at me while I grabbed my coat "just leave me alone,We're through goodbye Cronus!" Tears were running down my cheeks at this point while I stormed out of Cronus's hive.He never listened,this time I really did need someone who I could vent to,him being my matesprit I wanted to talk about what had happened and maybe get a bit of comfort,but as always he wasn't interested in anything I had to say,just brushing me off yet again.I wiped my eyes as I ran to my apartment that I shared with Kankri.When I get there I take off my coat and change into a black tank top and shorts before sitting on the couch and crying into my hands.I hear a door open and when I looked up I could see Kankri's concerned and well....cute face staring at my broken and crying figure."9h my,(Y/N) what's wr9ng,please y9u can tell me as l9ng as y9u d9 n9t get triggered" I lifted my head and wiped my eyes as Kankri sat a respectable distance from me on the couch."....C-Cronus...well,I just really wanted to talk to him about something really personal to me and yet...he just brushed me aside and didn't care to listen to me whatsoever,so we b-broke up..." I kept eye contact with Kankri through each word and he did the same,taking in every sentence and nodding his head."I see,well...why n9t talk t9 me,if it isn't t99 triggering t9 y9u,cause I will 6e m9re than happy t9 listen t9 whatever y9u have t9 get 9ff y9ur chest...6esides,y9u always listen when I need t9 talk a69ut s9mething,it's a69ut time I repay y9u" I smiled a bit at him "Kankri,you don't need to repay me anything,I listen to you cause your my friend,but if you really wanna know then....I guess it's ok" he nodded "um warning I'm g9ing t9 just t9uch y9ur sh9ulder" I nodded and blushed slightly as he did so in a soothing way.I sigh and tell him about everything i wanted to talk to Cronus about,and he kept rubbing my back,patting my head and giving some advice that i took to heart,and he for once...didn't even give a lecture or interrupt me like he usually did when we talk.Once I got all of that out I took a deep breath and smiled at Kankri as he held my hand,didn't even realize he was holding it at first,and by the look he had on his face as he stared into my eyes,he didn't know either.

I can't believe someone like this,someone so kind,loving,intelligent,and oh so beautiful,could end up with someone like Cronus as a matesprit.It just doesn't make any sense to me,the thought alone made my nerves at end,almost triggered."Thank you for the talk Kankri" I was snapped out of my thoughts by her soothing and soft voice "9-9h it was n9 tr9uble at all (Y/N) f9r m9st 9f these pr9blems y9u have can easily 6e s9lved with the supp9rt 9f 9thers wh9 care f9r y9u and while I d9 n9t kn9w f9r sure what y9u y9urself are g9ing thr9ugh I can say with well certainty that y9u 6lah 6lah 6lah 6lah 6lah 6lah 6lah 6lah 6lah-" I stopped talking when I felt a squeeze feeling around my hand,I look down and saw that she and I were holding hands,I didn't realize so I blushed and began to try and pull away before I felt her squeeze my hand more,I look up and saw her face dusted with a light pink,a need for contact look in her eye.Not wanting to upset her I intertwined our fingers,she didn't seem to mind,in fact she was scooting over to me.I blush as she got closer and closer till our bodies were mear inches apart and our hands still together.I froze and just stared into her stunning eyes as she came closer and laied herself on my body in a hug like fashion.I hesitated before wrapping my free arm around her as she did the same,it felt so good to have her in my arms.I was blushing like mad as she and I got closer together till all distance between us was gone.Out of all the years we have known each other I could count the amount of times we have hugged on one hand,and still,none of them had this much of a sense of security and care as this one did right now."I...sorry if this pushes your boundaries but I really just wanted to may-" I interrupted her and,out of reflex,held her closer,feeling her blush against my own blushing cheek "n-n9...I am....I am 100% 9-9kay with this,as l-l9ng as y9u are that I-is" I felt her free hand grip the back of my sweater while she nodded and held me back.We sat there holding each other for what seemed like forever,I loved every moment of it,just having her in my embrace instead of Cronus who obviously had no idea how to even treat her right like I can and will.

For a guy who hardly liked being touched in the first place his arms felt so warm and so safe in his embrace,like no other problem could even touch me while I was here,with him.I felt him press his lips to the top of my head making me blush madly as I look up at him."I-I am s9 s9rry if that upseted y9u it's just I felt like I just really needed t9 sh9w y9u that I-" I interrupted him mid sentence by holding a finger to his lips and smiling "It's ok kanny...I...I liked it" he was blushing a cute shade of red which I just giggle at."W-Well then I....Im glad y9u did...6ut w9uld it at all trigger y9u if I...um...may6e tried..."he was leaning in an I could only blush and lean back till our lips crash and our eyes closed.The kiss was gentle and sweet as I would expect from him but it soon turned much more passionate as we held each other and our toungs fought for dominance,he wins as I give up.After a while of this we pull apart and looked at each other mesmerized "w-wow..." he raised and eyebrow "w9w as in y9u will be my....Human kind 9f matesprit 9r w9w...I just said that 9ut l9ud didn't I?" I smile and giggle at him cupping his cheeks gently "wow as in you better do that again and yes I will" He grinned and pulled me into another kiss,not as amazing as the last one but overall sweet like him.He chuckled and got up,picking me up like a bride before plopping back on the couch to cuddle."I thought you didn't like physical contact,not that I'm complaining" he sighed and kissed my head "I guess y9u'll 6e my....9nly excepti9n" I smiled and kiss his cheek "I like the sound of that".(Paramore reference just because ;)) "flushed 9r I guess l9ve y9u (Y/N) as a human w9uld say" I nuzzled his chest as his arms were around me "Love you to Kanny..."

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