Karkat X reader

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Heeyyyy sorry I don't update this book that much but I'll be trying to do more updates on some other stuff so go check them out if you haven't already (:B

I sighed and tapped my finger on the desk,Iv been working as the cashier of a video store for a couple months now.Its not that bad and plus I get an employee discount which  is a huge plus considering I love to watch (insert movie genre),well that...and romcons,I just really like to watch them some days,even though I get nonstop crap about them.I was snapped out of my thought when I heard the sound of plastic boxes being dropped on the counter,I look up and I'm met with an all to familiar grey angry face"hehe well if it isn't my favorite customer,what can I do for you today karkles" I giggled and he just groaned "Y-YOU KNOW FOR A DAMN F-F-FACT THAT  I HATE BEING C-C-CALLED T-T-THAT S-STUPID FUCKING NICKNAME"i only giggle more as I look at the DVDs he picked out.We've been friend for a while now,first meeting when he needed help finding the romcon section of the store and bonding over the love for the movies,he of course has a deeper love for them than I do but I still know a couple things."not my fault its so cute to call you that" I giggle,ever since I met him and used his name I started calling him things like grumpy cat,Karkitty,and other stuff like that,just to see the adorable way he blushes and studders."WHATEVER..." I look at the cover of each movie he was renting "Hey I get off early today,got any plans later,if you do it's fine...But if you don't maybe we could meet up and check these movies out?" I blush a bit as I put the dvd's in a plastic bag and look up at him "U-UM WELL...I GUESS YOU C-COULD COME OVER...I MEAN L-LIKE FRIENDS"I nod and smile,in all honesty him calling us just "friends" kinda hurt considering Iv had a crush on the angry little troll for a while now."Y-Yah...of course karkles" he blushed and growled again as I just smile "W-WHATEVER (Y/N)" I lean over and pat his head "awww well aren't you just adorable as usual"I mentally slap myself just for saying that,blushing as I hand him the bag."SO....SEEYA LATER?" I nod and smile as he nods and walks out,I look to the clock and sigh,it's gonna be a long day.

Holly fuck,holly fuck,holly fuck,(Y/N) is coming to my hive to watch romcons with me,is this a dream,this has gotta be a dream why would a human like them be even the slightest bit interested in hanging out with a troll like me?After the initial shock wore off I made my way to my hive,I put the movies on the table and looked around,I need to impress her,she might be a stupid,God forsaken human....but....she's,or better worded, should be...my...stupid god forsaken human,but no time for that now I better clean this place up.I straighten up some things in my hive till it looked presentable enough that I could at least calm down about her not thinking I'm a total oink beast.I look at the clock and saw the time,I went into the load gaper(or whatever the troll term for bathroom is x/)and got cleaned up,changing into one of my clean black t-shirts and grey jeans.I look myself over and sighed "OK VANTAS...ITS JUST (Y/N) COMING OVER AND WATCHING SOME MOVIES NO BIGGIE....THEN...UGH WHY THE FUCK  AM I SO NERVOUS GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!..."I heard a little ping come from my phone,I look and saw that it was (Y/N) texting me.I read over the text that she sent "Hey I'm on my way to your place now,seeya in a bit<3" I blush and smile a bit at the heart before snapping out of it and texting back "YAH OK JUST DONT FUCKING KEEP ME WAITING I WANNA WATCH THESE MOVIES"I hit send and immediately regret it,why the fuck did I say that,ugh she probably thinks I'm a huge asshole....Well to be fair I am,but I don't want her to think of me like that,ok I need to calm down.I take a couple deep breaths just like Kanaya has taught me to do when my stupid emotions get out of hand.Once I'm finally calm I go over to the bag of dvd's and put them on the table in front of the television device."ALRIGHT SHES GONNA BE HERE AAAANNNNYYYY SECOND...." I take a breath and sat down."GOD (Y/N)...WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TO ME?"

Once work is done I head to my apartment that I shared with Kanaya,a close friend and the person who first Officially you capfuls say introduced me to KarKat,seeing as how we mostly just chatted when he was gonna rent or buy some romcons,or when he wanted to know any good recommendations.Kanaya and I met in high school and had been best friends ever since "Hey Kanaya....can I get some advice?" She looked up from her newest fashion design and smiled at me "Of Course (Y/N) What Do You Need?" I blush a bit as I sat with her on the couch "Well....I kinda made plans to hang out with Karkitty in a bit,and with you knowing him so well I wanted to know if there's anything I can do to like...impress him" she put her sketches to the side and took my hands in her's "Say No More I Know Exactly What You Need Dear,And Trust Me KarKat Will Love It,But Believe Me When I Say,You Are Beautiful Just As You Are,With Nothing To Be Ashamed Of,And If He Can't See That He Dose Not Deserve You" I smiled a blushed excited to see what she had planned. "Thanks Kanaya" she nods as we stood up and went into her room.

-Time skip still your POV-
Once we are done I look myself over,my eyes widening as I see the outfit I am wearing not to mention the subtle but beautiful makeup Kanaya did.

"I love it,thank you so much Kanaya" "It Was No Trouble At All Dear" I get up and hug my roommate before looking at the time " I better get going,thanks again Kanaya"I grab my keys and phone and started to make my way to karkats place,thankfully it's just a block and a half away.When I got there I take one last deep breath and knock on the door.I could hear fumbling and the sound of footsteps coming to the door before it was swung open and I was met with the cute hot headed troll,who's face the second he saw me strangely was blushing a deep crimson.I giggle "Hey Kitkat got the movies ready?"his blush darkened at the nickname before snapping back to reality and nodding "Y-YAH JUST GET YOUR ASS INSIDE BEFORE YOU CATCH A COLD OR SOME SHIT"I giggle and step inside.

Why the fuck is she so hot!?Ok ok cool your bulge Vantas...Just...Be cool.We go the the living room and sat on the couch and began to watch the movies.I blush a stupid shade of red each time i see that she gets just as involved in these movies,not as much as me but still..."That cheating asshole dosnt deserve her,seriously" I chuckle a little and nod in agreement "YOU FUCKING SOUND LIKE NEPETA (Y/N)" she looked at me and pouts adorably,making my blood pumper double in speed,if that was even possible at this point.We watched at least 5 movies so far and (Y/N) seemed to be getting sleepier and sleepier with each passing second,Gog even when she's about to pass out she's so stunning in every definition of the fucking word....I need to tell her...But how?...I look at the screen and saw that the guy was about to confess his love to the girl and,seeing as how Iv seen this movie a billion times I knew the words by heart.I get and idea and smile a it before turning to her...gog I hope this works."(Y/N)...THERES SOMETHING I SHOULD TELL YOU"she turns the same time as the girl did in the movie,my lines synchronized perfectly with the guy's as I spoke."OVER THE TIME THAT IV KNOWN YOU...IV BEEN FINDING MYSELF...TRULEY AND CRAZILY....FEELING AS IF IM GONNA PUKE MY GUTS OUT...IN LOVE WITH YOU" me and the guy finished the line at the same time as I blushed and looked at (y/n)'s face,it was totally red and she looked like a deer caught in headlights,I can't help but feel the silence suffocating me as I wait for a response.

You were wondering weather or not you heard him correctly,a silence took the room before it was overthrown by my squealing and giggling as I tackle hug KarKat onto the couch.It caught him off guard as I kiss his cheeks and squeal "I love you to Karkitty!"he looks at me with wide eyes as his arms wrap around my back "S-SO DOSE THAT MEAN YOULL BE MY-" "Yes!!" I cut him off as he smiled and kissed my lips softly,without hesitation I kiss back and grip the collar of his shirt as the kiss quietly became passionate and full of want and love.we pull apart for air after what felt like forever (in really only being about 8 minutes) of kissing.We snuggle on the couch and kiss while we watch the romcons."ARE YOU OFF TOMORROW?" He asked making me look up at him and nod "Yah why?" He chuckled and kissed my four head "HEHE IN THAT CASE YOUR ASS IS STAYING HERE THE NIGHT" I blush but nod ok as I text Kanaya that I'll be home tomorrow night while KarKat wraps us both in a black warm blanket as we cuddle."FLUSH FOR YOU (Y/N)" I kiss his cheek and closed my eyes to soon nap "Flushed for you to karkles" we soon fell asleep on the couch in each other's arms.

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