Chapter 6 (N_lawliet)

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Nye here!

Maru-chan that chapter was so good! and I cant wait to reveal what imma gonna write in future chapters soooo-

Raven: -lets get onto the next chapter bitch!

Me:....are you this mean all the time without your burgers?

raven:.....yeah, Im sowweh

Me:*hands you a burger* now bugger off

Raven:enjoy this chapter guys! *scurries off with the burger stuffed in my mouth*

Me:.....*shakes my head clear* I don't own hetalia, Nick or Mel I only own Rave


"where are mummy and daddy?"

Raven paused when she heard Mel ask this 'What should I say? should I tell her?' Raven kept thinking about what she was going to tell her sister until Mrs. Jolie shook Raven and nodded and gave her the 'it's best to tell her' look. Raven nodded and took a deep breath,

"Mel...When you were a baby, when you were little mummy...Passed away and daddy did all he could to support us until.....well until-" She took another breath, "Until he couldn't do it anymore and he had to give us up, but I will always call him our dad, he gave everything up for us Mel" Raven walked upstairs to her room and Mel followed, raven grabbed a framed photo and handed it to Mel

"Is this daddy Raven?" Mel asked and Raven nodded her head and sniffed

"Yeah, Yeah that's daddy, the girl next to him is our mummy and the girl with blonde hair next to daddy is me" Raven smiled sadly as Mel looked at the picture in awe

"Where's daddy now?" Mel asked and her sister sighed

"I dunno Melly...the last time I saw him was when I begged not to be taken away from him....that was six years ago and I still remember it like it was yesterday" Raven wiped her eyes and sat on her bed 'Please daddy....Please come back for me and Mel..Please please please' Raven was chanting that over and over in her head and she felt two small arms around her waist and realised that it was her sisters arms, raven looked at Mel and Mel yawned

"Tired?" Raven asked and mel nodded, Raven chuckled softly and put her sister in her bed, she tucked Mel in and gave her a goodnight kiss

"See ya in the morning Mel" Raven whispered and walked out her room and to the staff office, she knocked on the door and Mrs. Joile opened the door

"I'm gonna have a walk for a few hours, just to the park to clear my head" Raven said and Mrs. Jolie nodded,

"Ok but please be careful Raven" Mrs. Jolie handed raven a set of spare door keys and Raven went out to the park to clear her head 

"mum...please come back, you have no idea how much I need you right now" Raven whispered quietly and tears flowed freely from her eyes, she was hurting more and more each day....Raven was about to head back after ten minutes but decided against it and walked to the park. The sun was setting and she was the only one In the park now. Raven sat on a swing and began to swing on it

-Raven's Birthday last year-

"Raven! Hurry up! You're gonna be late for your own birthday party!" Raven's older brother John  Yelled to Raven who was on a tyre swing in the garden

"Coming John!" Raven hopped down from the swing and ran inside, when she got inside everyone began to sing happy birthday and she blew out the candles on her cake 'I wish I can see daddy soon' Raven wished as everyone cheered and had a bit of cake each

-end flashback-

"yeah...that wish didn't come true..." raven muttered and then, she heard an American voice that sounded like her dad's...


Raven:....seriously dude! why do ya like cliffys so much!?

Me:meh I dunno, don't forget to vote and comment

Raven:i have a baaaaaad feeling about this...

Me:oh you'll be fine!

Raven:hmpf! fine my ass!

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