chapter 16 (N_lawliet)

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hiya guys! so in this chapter im doing all the legal shit with Alfred and oliver so..prepare for a crappy chapter

Raven:oh Nye is also doing an attack on titan/hetalia crossover book and im the main star! as always! starting to think that making levi fall for you was a mistake

Raven:oh your just jelous! *nosebleeds* anyway heres chapter 16

As Alfred walked in, Flame walked down the stairs and grumbled

"Why is he here?" Flame asked and oliver looked at her

"Because we're sorting something out, get to school you" Flame grumbled again, grabbed her bag and walked out the house, Alfred sat down and looked at Oliver

"are you ok with mel coming over for three days a week? with Raven too" Alfred asked, he wasn't too sure what Oliver might do to mel

"That's fine, would the three days a week be on Friday, Saturday and sunday?" Oliver asked and Alfred nodded

"That's right, as soon as Raven is out the hospital this will happen"


Back in the hospital, Raven was getting bored and decided to cause some havoc with Nick (Mel ran off, remember? *Cringe* Sorry, Just pointing that out)

"Hey, wanna have a wheelchair race?" Raven asked, Nick just chuckled.

"Do you want a broken arm?" Nick asked, but Raven gave him the puppy dog eyes.

"Bloody hell....fine." Nick grumbled and they both 'borrowed' two wheelchairs. After that, they preceded to race down the empty hall. That is, until Alfred showed up and the duo crashed into him

"ooow, my arm" raven moaned

"my leg!" Nick groaned and rolled away from the pile up

"my head...LETS GO AGAIN!" Raven grinned

"hold on you two I don't want both of you in hospital" Alfred chuckled and Raven proceeded to tackle hug her dad

"where did you storm off to?"

"I managed to work something out with oliver" Raven paled

"w-what do you mean?"

"me and cupcake have decided that you and mel are going to his every weekend after you get out from hospital"

i'm soooooo sorry about the wait, I've been really busy, I hope you enjoyed this chappie 

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