The new kids?

17 3 1

Kyla's POV
Monday's. I hate monday's. I walked into my period 1 class, board out of my mind. 'ugg' I thought as I walked towards the classroom. That's when I heard my friend yelling out to me...
"KYLAAAAAAAAA!!!!" she screamed in my ear,
"Agh, what do you want Macbook?" (A.N guess who just added demselves in their own story? That right... anyway) 
"I just wanted to tell you that we have, like, 3 new groups of kids coming and guess what...they be from Korea,"
I just nodded my head as we continued to our class.
~Time Skip~
When we arrived at the class room, our teacher looked at us all and said, "Class we have some new kids here and I would like you all to say good morning to them," we all looked at the front door, only to see...
This song explains my life so much...

Hey, soz about the cliffhanger but I kind of have been promising this to be out soon so... ya. Anyway, my little biscuits. Bye!!)

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