Chapter One

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I woke up to a soft breeze entering through my open window. The sun was bright in the cloudless blue sky, a perfect way to start my summer.

I jumped up, ready to begin my day. I quickly threw on jogging clothes and a pair of running sneakers. Quickly eating a healthy breakfast, I ran out of my house to begin the run to Venice Beach boardwalk, which was a good 20 minutes away on foot. With my iPhone playing some Bastille it certainly felt like a quick jog. Before I knew it I was at the familiar pier where I found a bench and sat and watched the waves.

I took my headphones out and sat quietly for a few minutes before I saw someone sit down next to me.

"Hey," he smiled looking at me, "I'm Drew."

"Hi, I'm Sarah." I replied, taking in his appearance. He didn't seem much older than me, maybe a few years. He had messy brown hair that stuck up in all directions, beautiful green/blue eyes, and a contagious smile.

We sat there staring at each other for awhile until he said "You live here, or are you visiting?"

"I live here," I replied, "It's always been a dream of mine to live in Cali, so I moved here with my friend Kate."

"Cool. So what are you doing at the pier this early?" he asked.

"I jog here in the morning. Something about watching the waves is the perfect start to my day." I answered.

"Same for me. It brings me some kind of peace I can't find anywhere else. I feel like humans are all as much continuous with the physical universe as a wave is continuous with the ocean." He said casually.

"Wow, I've never thought of it like that. That's incredible."

He just smiled and we turned to stare out at the waves. After a few minutes he spoke up again.

"Hey, wanna grab a smoothie from Cafe Gratitude? It's like the best place ever." He laughed.

"Yeah, sure. Is it nearby?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's a quick walk."

We stood up and headed off the pier.


When we arrived at Cafe Gratitude, Drew held the door as I walked inside. We quickly sat at a table and ordered drinks. We both got fruit smoothies and began to chat again.

"So, Drew, how long have you lived here?" I asked.

"When I was 19, I moved here from Washington. I live here with my friends Wesley and Keaton. We're in a band together."

"Cool!" I said, "So you sing?"

"Yeah, I guess. I more rap and play guitar" He replied.

We spent a little longer talking before I checked the time and realized it was already noon.

"I think I have to get going. I promised my friend I'd go shopping with her, and she'd get mad if I was late."

"No problem! It was good talking to you Sarah." he said, smiling.

"It was really nice to meet you." I said.

"Maybe we can do this again?" he said with a wink.

"Sure, I'd like that." I said. He seemed like a really nice guy and I wanted to get to know him more.

So we exchanged numbers and I left Cafe Gratitude and began jogging home, not being able to wipe the huge smile off my face.


Author's Note:

Thanks sooooo much for reading! Please comment, vote, let me know what you think! Drew is one of my absolute favorite people and I thought it would be fun to write a Fanfic about him! Stay tuned for the next chapter! (Sorry this one is short)


You Had Me at Hello│Drew ChadwickWhere stories live. Discover now