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Hello there amazing human reading this. I don't know how you think this story will turn out to be but just a warning it isn't all happy and rainbow.. expect that rainbow part. You will see. Yes I'm very rude for not introducing myself but I'm Lune Crystal. My last name isn't important as much as my story but let me just say how many times I have been called creepy just because I was named after a dead girl but hey, I'm unique right? Right. I like considering myself unique and different. Moving on. You don't exactly have to know me completely. Not yet but you will. You will understand me later on.. maybe. But enjoy the story of how my life changed after changing schools.

I will leave some songs in the way if you want to listen to them while reading this so you can get a little vibe of the environment I was while these situations happened. Most songs don't describe the moment but these were the songs I would listen to while the situation was happening. Enjoy.

I normally don't like talking about my past for the reason that it brings me bad vibes and makes me look weak but in order for you to understand what's going on right now I would have to bring it into this. It all started in the worst school you can ever imagen and I think you already have an idea of what i'm about to tell you. Bullying. I was bullied for 4 years and it even lead me to harm myself in many ways. I couldn't defend myself. I was weak and some people just disliked me so much that they would do anything to hurt me. I won't talk a lot about my past years. Only my last one

It was my last year in that school and if I'm honest it didn't started well at all. I had surgery in my leg and I was walking with crutches. It was the worst and yeah some people did helped me but it wasn't easy. One of my worst experiences in that year was that when I could finally walk and I slipped (Hey, it was raining that day. I'm not that clumsy) and I fell in front of the entire class and nobody bothered to come and help. I could not get up. My leg was just hurting me and luckily two girls who used to be my friends helped me up and carried me to the classroom because I couldn't walk. 

It wasn't a  great year honestly but I met new friends and thanks to them I survived. The most important ones were Cole and Lola, they will be important later on so I suggest you remember them. So thanks to all of this I moved to another school

This is where history and my whole life changes.

First Day of School

I was in the car with my mother and well I was a wreck. Everything was going wrong and I just wanted to cry. Why is this happening right now at the worst moment. Why- Woah Stop. Didn't summer come? Let's not talk about school.. yet.

Back In Summer [Lost It To Trying - Paper Town Mix by Son Lux]

Summer started off great. I went to prom and karma sure is a bitch. A celeb that most girls of my class loved well he came to our prom and he actually chose me to help with the mix and let me use his headphones and talked to me. It was just amazing. I will never forget that night 

After that well actually before that let's say that me and Lola had this huge fight and I had to end our friendship. I couldn't really stand her so I was left with only Cole. Me and him well we used to Skype all the time and play. We used to have emotional moments and he was just amazing with me. Not gonna lie, I liked him A LOT. But when I finally confessed to him well he got anxiety because he started remembering what his ex did to him*

*His ex is the worst

** Aka Snake

*** Broke up with him by phone and moved on my with his best friend.

**** Made Cole a wreck

Anyways I felt pretty upset and I wasn't okay but after a while he talked to me and told me how his anxiety got over him and how he actually liked me back but was just too nervous to ask me out and for the first time in a while I actually felt incredible happy but sadly me and Cole only just seemed like friends and not more than that. We never went out on dates and we just broke up since we both knew it was for the best and it didn't felt real. After that we stayed as friends and everything was good.

Most of my summer was just me on my laptop and drawing- Ah right I didn't mention it but I actually like drawing a lot and I used to be full of inspiration but the word says it all 'used'. I have never liked bragging about how I can actually draw since it just makes me feel like I'm using that talent to seek attention or something. Understand? No? Well moving on. Before I wouldn't really be the person to go to parties or anything and since I barely had any friends well I wouldn't go to movies or anything like that. Stuff most popular girls from my class would do all the time and I just really wanted that so badly. I wanted to at least feel what's like to have friends and go out to do stuff together and don't get me wrong I appreciated Cole but he was never the person to go out to movies or anything like that.

It should be noted that I also spent summer with my father and brothers. I don't have the best relationship with my father since he has done tons of things in my life that have left me with emotional scars but I had to spend summer with him because it's the only way I can see my brothers and they were leaving the country so I wouldn't be able to see them until who knows when. But my dad is also important in this story. 

Now finally we can go back to that day..

First Day of School

This was the first step to my life changing in both good and bad but I will talk about it in the next chapter of course. This was just a little summary of my life before it changed completely. 

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