Chapter six

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"No please" Louis yelled as he ran after the Alpha, who was much faster than he was.

"Please stop" Louis sobbed out, the Alpha not stopping. He knew Louis was telling him to stop, but he couldn't, he couldn't let him keep this lie hidden.

"Please" Louis whispered to nothing, the Alpha to far ahead to hear his plea.


"What! Louis!" Louis could hear Niall yell from the inside of the cabin, Cameron's cries following behind. Louis fearing what was happening to his son.

"Alpha please" Louis ran into the cabin, seeing the Alpha holding his son up in the air.

"Papa!" Cameron screamed, obviously terrified

"Please dont hurt him, please" Louis cried

The Alpha didn't acknowledge the man, focusing on the pup.

"Hes yours, he looks like you. Definitely is that overpowering pup smell."

"Please dont hurt him" Louis said again as the Alpha lifted him higher

Harry shook his head "Im not going to, we dont do that here, I switched that rule" The Alpha brought he pup to his chest so he was no longer dangling in the air. The pup settled down some, no longer screaming, but still whimpering for his father.

Louis sighed in relief "Oh my gosh thank you, can I have him please" Louis asked making grabby hands towards his boy.

"Of course" Harry gave the pup back to Louis. Watching the pup reach for his father

"Cam, baby" Louis said immediately grabbing his son. The two clinging to each other

"Papa, I scared" Cameron cried

"Its okay baba, its okay"

"Im sorry about scaring you, but you were lying to me, and I knew you weren't going to tell me the truth." Harry apologised. Niall thought this was a good time to leave, knowing both Louis and Cameron were safe.

"Im sorry for lying to you Alpha." Louis apologised as well

"Its alright, I still thought you said you were never mated before though."

"I- I wasn't"

"So you were um" Harry knew exactly what must have happened then, as no one would be stupid enough not to mate during sex, solely for the fact that there's a chance of pregnancy.

"Yeah" Louis mumbled

"Im sorry" Harry apologised

"Its whatever, I got this perfect little devil baby out of it" Louis kissed the top of the pups head

"Is that why you left your pack?"

"Mhm, mother told me the pack was getting suspicious"

"Oh I'm sorry about that, at least you're here now, and both of you are safe. Do you want me to show you to where our pup center is?" Harry assured

"Um, he's never been outside" Louis mumbled playing with his sons hair, which resulted in Cameron making a fuss.

"Really! What about on the way here?" Harry asked. The Alpha was reminding Louis of a child, of Cameron. Over excited all the time and a bit annoying... but cute.

"He was in my um bag" Louis mumbled and blushed

"Hes that small?" Harry was shocked that a pup could be that small


Harry clapped his hands loudly making the pup and Louis jump slightly Harry apologising righty after
"Well then, perfect time for his first time outside"


Its not the best Im sorry. But I just got scratched by my dog so Im sitting on the couch, my wrist in pain, and bored. So I decided to write.

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