Chapter eight

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Here take the chapter!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭   😂


Louis wanted to take Cameron somewhere where he could play, but knowing that the pack isn't fond of him makes him not want to go out. Its for his son though, he would do anything for his son.

He didn't know the territory yet but he could very well tell where it ended, Alpha had explained it to him. There was trees that had red coloured leaves surrounding their territory, and ten feet after that the territory ended. Leaving ten feet to make sure no lone wolves would cross, everyone knows the Barbour pack is one of the strongest, only one other pack measuring to the same strength, though they were far away, most packs around just know about them from the books.

Louis walked Cameron around, the pup running around and jumping on rocks, enjoying being outside. Cameron had found a frog and asked Louis what it was. Louis told him it was called a frog, before picking it up, he knelt on the ground letting Cameron inspect the new creature, he poked at it causing it to jump away. After the boy had seen the frog hop away, he insisted he was a frog and had to jump like one. He jumped until the had met someone who also had a pup with her.

"Ribbit" Cameron greeted the woman.

The woman looked confused, taking a quick glance at her own child.

"Im sorry, he saw his first frog today, and now he insists he is one" Louis explained to the worried woman

The worrisome look wiped right off her face and was replaced by a smile "My boy did that with a bird, tried flying like one and broke his arm"

"Makes me wonder what kind of odd stuff I did when I was young"  Louis laughed the woman joining in.

"So you're one of the new members" The woman asked when their laughter died down

"Yeah, Louis Tomlinson, got here a few days ago"

"Im Cara, sorry about the ones who were rude at the dinner, they're very old fashioned" The woman, who Louis bow knew the name of, apologised.

"Its alright, theres less here who go by that than at my old pack, the reason we had to leave, this is my pups second time playing outside" Louis explained looking at his son

Cara followed his gaze to the two boys playing in small mound of dirt "Poor thing"

"Me mum told me it was a better option to come here, she was worried they would soon find out about him."

"Your mum is one smart lady then, its going to be nice having another pup around here. There isn't many omegas here, which means hardly any pups."

"My old pack was overrun by pups, its not a very safe pack so a lot of the pups parents were mateless, much like myself, I just hid for nearly three years, the others get their pups thrown out of the territory."

"I couldn't imagine not having my little Apollo. He's my world." Cara frowned turning back to the two pups

"Do you have a mate?" Louis asked

"Yeah her names Kendall."

"Can I see your bond mark" Louis asked shyly.

"Of course." Cara nodded and moved her hair out of the way, showing off the dark coloured spot on her neck

"Its so pretty, Ive always wanted one" Louis stated as he looked at the mark, wishing that was him who was showing off his mates masterpiece

"Don't worry you'll find a mate soon." Cara assured

"Its going to be quite hard with Cameron, I don't want to bring someone in his life and then have it not work out, or them not wanting him because he isn't theirs."

Caras son Apollo came running up "Mumma, nap"

Cara nodded and picked her son up. "Im sorry Louis, it is past his nap time, Ill see you around yeah?"

"Of course, it was nice talking to someone new." Louis smiled, Cara making a noise of agreement

"Say bye Apollo." Cara said to her son

"Bye-bye Cammy" Apollo waved

"Bye 'Ollo" Cameron replied, Louis silently cooing at his sons cuteness

"Its time for your nap as well baby" Louis said watching his son play with a toy in the sand

Cameron dropped you and turned to Louis, a look of hurt on his face "No nap papa"

"Your new friend wanted to go home to take a nap"

"Really?" Cameron asked

Louis laughed "Yes baby"

"Otay, nap papa" Cameron said reaching up for his father. Louis picked him up and they began the small walk back home, Cameron falling asleep on his fathers shoulder half way through.


So somebody *cough* indiloveslarry *cough* convinced me to upload this chapter tonight.

Hope you enjoyed it.

(And just to show you how stupid I am, I spelt enjoyed with and I instead of an E)

If this Chapter gets 20 votes and 20 comments in two days, I will do a face reveal and double update. (I know you can do it because the last Chap got 50 views in less than an hour, so you just have to vote and comment)

If I hit the goal I will post a update on this book about where and when I will do the reveal

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