Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Harold what the fuck is this!?" Louis screeched as he saw the Alpha approaching him with a baby in his arms. Another Alpha behind him carrying a baby as well. What the fuck even happened? Stuff like this only happens in movies like who just shows up with babies?

Harry shushed him "Shh its baby" he pointed out the obvious

Louis glared at the Alpha and rolled his eyes "Duh dumbass, why do you have a babies! I thought you were going to a meeting"

"I didn't say where I was going, you told me that your old pack always left their kids, I can say that its not every day that you find a baby lying in the middle of the forest"

Louis stood there for a moment in complete silence before reaching out "Give her to me, she's adorable"

Harry chuckled and handed the baby over to the omega, who eagerly took her and began cradling and cooing over her.

"Oh my! Look how cute you are, the cutest little thing ever! Im going to take care of you, you know. You're just too cute to give up now"

Harry furrowed his brows "Uhh, Louis?"

Louis hummed, not really paying attention but when Harry didn't say anything he looked up from the pup to the Alpha "Yes"

Harry looked uncomfortable and worried "What about Cameron?" He asked

Louis shrugged "Yeah, what about him?"

"You're not seriously keeping her are you?"

"Why can't I?"

Harry let out a shaky sigh, he knew how Louis could be some times. "Well you know two kids can be really hard, and Cameron really likes the attention and playing outside all the time and thats really not the best for a baby, especially in weather like this."

"Are you saying I can't handle two kids?" Louis asked, he was extremely offended.

And Harry knew he fucked up. He quickly tried covering his tracks because no, thats not what he meant, not at all. He truly just doesn't think its time for Louis to raise another pup "No no-"

"Fine take her then." Louis huffed as he switched the pup from his hold to Harrys. "I wont ever have a child again myself anyway."

"Louis thats not what I meant"

"You're implying that Ill never find a mate, especially not any time soon to help raise two children. That Im not capable of raising two children on my own. That I should never have any more kids because Im not capable of having more than one"

"No Louis"

"Well you're right, Cameron wasn't able to see outside for the longest time, he freaking got stolen from me and almost died. He doesn't spend enough time with me, hell, I don't even have him with me right now. I wont find a Alpha because no one wants a shi-bad omega like me. You're so right Harry. Now if you'll excuse me, Ill go get my child, spend some valuable time with him since hes the only one Ill ever have"

"Louis-" Harry tried once more, only to ignored once more as Louis ran off. Harry sighed and looked down at the pup in his arms, she was looking up at him with her brown eyes. She was sleeping for most of the journey, lord knows how much she had exhausted herself crying. Its not like Harry wouldn't give Louis the baby if he really thought he could care for her, but one of the Alphas in the pack had already agreed to take care of the two, him and his mate weren't able to have any children, he had mated a beta whom cannot get pregnant from an Alpha. Now Harry had to worry about fixing the problem he had created but first he had to make sure the two new pack members were okay and safe.


Louis walked into his mothers cabin, tears running down his blotchy face and hes got a red runny nose. As soon as Jay saw the state of her son she frowned and went to comfort him"Lou-" she began only for Louis to shrug her off and make his way to his son.

Louis picked Cameron up and grabbed his jacket. "Im fine, I promise, I just really need alone time with my baby. Were going back to my cabin okay? Ill make sure to come over tomorrow" Louis promised giving his mum a small smile while Cameron wiped his fathers tears. He didn't know what happened, why his papa was crying, he just knew he had to be a good big boy and take care of his papa right now while hes feeling down.


This chapter I cant 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 its so stupid and shit I just needed a reason for Louis to get made at Harry 😂

Im sorry for the extremely long wait I just didnt have motivation to do anything. Being depressed sucks, I also lost all of my friends through that time so that didn't help because I had absolutely no one to talk to. Im getting myself out of the rut though. I just have my really bad days sometimes. (I dont do anything to harm myself so dont worry about that.) Im someone who firmly believes that no matter how hard the time is now it will eventually get better and theres no point in harming yourself because whatever you do during your hard time will just be a reminder of that during your good times. Idk if I explained that well but in my head it makes a lot more sense.

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