June 5,2017

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It felt like I haven't written in a while but these past couple of days were alright not too bad I mean i can't complain. Today I got into a huge argument with my mom and left angry to school,and I wasn't going to go to school today because my mom made me late and I didn't feel like walking. Before that happened me and my mom got into a little argument over money but it's fine now we always work things out; although there is times where sometimes I just want to come at her with some harsh words but that's my mom so I obviously I'm not going to do nothing regardless at the end of the day she is still my mom and I love her to death but other times I really hate her. School was ok and boring I mean I guess everyone finds school boring in my opinion well maybe not everyone. I came back home with the feeling that my mom or my stepdad was going to take away my phone and little do you know they didn't do nothing. But I apologized to my stepdad for my behavior because I have to learn how to be mature. I'm one year away from being eighteen years old and I'm so excited every year on my birthday is is such a wonder and surprise; like sometimes I don't get a cake, and sometimes I do get a cake I feel like it's an every year thing or should I call it everyday surprise. I asked my friend Ashely to come outside with me to smoke and her boyfriend also my friend split his weed with me or how everyone says it spark. Yes guys I love marijuana I mean who doesn't now I'm this generation? In my opinion there's nothing wrong with the drug if their obviously using it for medication use against Cancer and HIV/AIDS and other diseases or disorders let's get real guys some people like it and some people don't it's always going to be like that but one day they will legalize marijuana in every state I know it. Me and a friend of mine went to McDonald's to apply well actually I'm the only one who applied and I'm still waiting for a call which I doubt I'm going to get since no job seems to like me apparently. I'm going to tell you about a boy I like in school ok don't be judgmental but I'm really starting to feel him and I feel like he's awesome like I can talk to him about anything he will always be able to listen but I'll tell you about that later on as well. I also applied for one more job after that and than went home. I asked my friend Ashley if she wanted to smoke with me and she said yeah so we smoked and her boyfriend and also my friend came and smoke us up too but let me tell you how I went to his house and after I left I was locked out banging on the door for like half an hour by myself at night now if there's one thing I hate is being by myself at night it's creepy and it's dark especially when your really high and get all paranoid so I decided to go to my cousins house and at the right moment my sister called me like 15 min later and asked me if I can open the door and I said I was locked out as well. My mom forgot to tell my sister to leave the door open and I was stuck there until I decided to go to my cousins house so finally he open the door for my sister and my sister told me to go home so I have a kiss to my two cousins and left back home running; I know it sounds funny but it's true I run when I'm by myself at night and it's creepy sometimes. So that's my day today  Monday June 5, 2017.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2017 ⏰

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