Chapter 5~The Fever

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As the limo arrived back at the mansion Ayato and the others got out of the Limo including Reiji who was holding me in his arms as i didn't know that i began to feel more weaker and redder all six of them then walked through the gate once Laito opened it and walked up to the door the big gate closed behind them as all of them started to walk up to the door, once they made it to the door Ayato feeling a bit jealous slammed it open then stormed inside Reiji sighed and shook his head "such little discipline and manners" he said as he walked inside still carrying me inside. Once they were inside i was carried upstairs then down the hall and finally into my room by Reiji who walked over to my bed then placed me down carefully he took off my shoes then pulled the cover on me he gave me a cold stare but something was making him different inside but he shook his head turning around he saw Ayato leaning on the wall in my room with arms crossed he stared at his brother using his index finger Reiji pushed up his glasses then walked out closing the door Ayato was left in my room with me slowly pushing himself from the wall he walked over then stopped right in front of me without me realizing that he laid down next to me and hugged me tightly i opened my eyes slightly coughing then turning my head i saw him sleeping next to me suddenly a soft blush appeared on my face i smiled then stroked his hair in which i knew i was scared but someone how i wasn't kissing his forehead i closed my eyes once more and went back to sleep. As the hours went by i woke up feeling a bit better but then i noticed Ayato wasn't beside me slowly sitting up i held my head then got out of bed but being weak i fell to the floor until the door to my bedroom opened up i looked up and i saw Kanato entering with a cold dark smirk on his face "you look so pathetic like that but it just wants me to devour you" he said as he began to laugh i began to shake in fear due to his words and tried to get up but without a blink i was pinned to the bedroom floor by Kanato who looked into my brown eyes with his purple eyes then licked my neck "P..please..d..dont" i begged him but he didn't listen and sank his fangs roughly into my flesh i screamed in pain and struggled also tried to push him off but he pinned me down further onto the ground as he continued to drink more i kept begging him to stop as tears fell down my cheeks then i passed out once again.

Later on i woke in a unfamiliar room my fever started to go higher i looked around wondering where i was then i heard a voice "look Teddy she is a wake maybe i should make her into a wax doll don't you think hehehehehe" said to me my eyes widen and then saw the wax dolls i gulped and began to shake in fear as i looked up at Kanato smirking i tried to get up but i couldn't because i felt weak and my body felt weak Kanato then grabbed my wrist and pulled me up i struggled to stand and coughed badly gripping my chest but Kanato just smirked at me then pinned me to the wall. As he pinned me to the wall i began to struggle but his grip gotten tighter i screamed and yelled for help but no one couldn't hear me Kanato just laughed at me then placing his teddy down he looked up at me and grabbed me by the neck with his hands from that point on i knew he was starting to choke me i grabbed both of his wrist and tried to push his hands away but it was no use his grip around my neck gotten tighter i began to think that i was going to die and slowly began to close my eyes as i started to drift out of consciousness but then all of a sudden i could breathe once again i opened my eyes slowly then noticed i was laying in Laito's arms i began to shake in fear as i struggled and begged him to let me go but he just remained quiet and held me close as he vanished with me then reappeared in my room in a flash he then placed me on the bed and pulled the cover on me i was confused and watched him walk out and how he shut the door slowly behind him i blinked a few times and slowly drifted off once again and fell into a deep sleep Slumber in which i didn not wake up from. As the few weeks went by i continued to remain in a deep slumber it felt like my body and mind just shut down for no reason and these dreams i was getting along with my deep sleep slumber these dreams began to show me of Ayato's and others pasts when they were child and what the out come was but then i noticed as the pasts of them began to change i began to notice more and more why they have became it made me sad but frightened at the same time i couldn't stop going through their pasts one of them i saw the Triplets kill their mother a beautiful Elegant Woman who had long purple hair and emerald green eyes wearing what looked like a victorian style dress then it changed to Shuu's and Reiji's and finally it was Subaru's this started to make me think are they going to kill me or just keep me a slave i cried out once the light brightened me i woke in the same familiar room i looked around then sat up holding my head and there my eyes widened as i saw the three women from my dreams one of them had blonde hair and blue she wore a long elegant dress same and the last woman she had beautiful white hair wearing a beautiful dress on but she had red eyes i wanted to ask them who they were but the purple hair one smirked as for the other two they remained quietly as the three women came to me and each placed their hands on my heart i felt a sharp pain and screamed then fainted passing for the final time and not waking up. 

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