The Past Never Leaves

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It's been twenty-four hours since Lori was kidnapped. We contacted the police and they're doing everything they can. Logan happened to get a picture of the lisence plate and some cops are searching for the van. I'm in shock. I can't move. I can't talk. I'm frozen in shock. Along with the other girls. We aren't whole without all of our friends. It makes us feel like a part of us is gone. Which, is true. Everyone is trying to get me to talk because they know I saw him and that I know him.

Right now, Ivan is trying to get me to talk. And it's working. I'm caving. I'm trying to get myself to get my body to move. But it's still in shock. "Baby, come on. Do this for me. Do this for everyone. Do this for Lori." Ivan told me and I finally snapped.

"He had purple eyes." I said quietly. Ivan grinned and called out for a detective.

"Yes?" The detective asked. He had blonde hair and brown eyes, looking to be thirty.

"She talked." Ivan said, pulling me into his lap. I curled into him and held onto him tightly, not wanting him to go. "I'm not going anywhere baby." Ivan whispered in my ear. "Tell him, please."

"He had purple eyes." I whispered to the detective and he called someone over, who wrote that down.

"Ok, that's good. Anything else about him. Hair color, face, height, age, etc. Anything would work sweetie, only if you give us a description." The detective told me, looking me in the eyes. Should I tell him? No - I can't. He'd come for me. But I have to do it for Lori. I sighed.

"I can't." I replied to him, finally speaking louder. The detective raised his eyebrow. His eyes holding confusion, curiosity, and sadness. I can understand all those emtions.

"Why not." He asked, bending down in front of me. I shrugged. "Come on, why?" I struggled to keep it in but then I thought to what they could be doing to Lori. I couldn't hold it in anymore. But I didn't want those memories to come through. The minute I say his name, is the same minute that the memories come back.

"Andrew Reed." I said, tears falling down my face as memories that I kept locked away for years, with the help of practice, came rushing back. I hadn't said that name in twelve years.

"Andrew Reed! He is the man that Ms.Ryan claims took Ms.Winter!" The detective shouted. Everyone scrambled around, beginning to look for Andrew. I grabbed the detectives by the collar of his shirt and pulled him down to meet my eyes. Confusion was in his. Worried and regret in mine. I was worried about what they would do to Lori and regret for not telling them sooner.

"You have to hurry. If you don't, I don't know what they'll do to Lori! You have to save her! They make her into a killing machine, a slave, or I don't know what! He's the leader of the Stud Gang!" I shouted at him. Ivan eased my grip and held me even tighter as more tears fell. The guy started shouting again but I didn't listen. Then suddenly, Ivan turned me towards the detective. But I didn't look at him.

"Honey, do you know where Mr.Reed is?!" Detective guy questioned. He already knew the answer. He just didn't know where. "Where is Andrew?" I sighed, it's him or Lori. Rose stood up from Jake's lap and walked over to me. She sat beside me and held my hand in hers.

"Tell him, please, for Lori. Your the only person who knows him." Rose told me, giving my hand a squeeze. Ivan took my other hand while his other arm was around me. I sighed.

"I don't remember the address, I'll have to take you there. I only remember the place. But your going to need a lot of backup with you. Heck, you might even need the army. This guy and his gang are dangerous. And I should know." I told him and detective nodded, calling someone. After a moment, he stood up and talked with some guys. Then he came back over to us.

"Alright, the President is sending in the Army and the Airforce. And I've got sixty guys coming. I want you to put this on and stay beside me at all times. I'm Dave Walters." Dave said and handed me a bulletproof vest. I put it on with the help of Ivan and stood up. I gave Ivan a real quick kiss before walking away with Dave. I looked back at Ivan, sending him a kiss. Rose ran up to us and pulled on Dave's arm.

"I want to go." She told Dave. Dave went to protest but when he saw the look on Rose's face, gave her a bulletproofvest. Rose and I got in the backseat of the cop car. I gave him the best directions I could. Soon, within forty-two minutes, we made it. It was an old abandoned warehouse. But inside, last I knew, it looked like a mansion. I get out and stand behind the car with Rose. The Airforce was above us and the Army just pulled in.

"Andrew Reed, please step out of the building unarmed with Lori Winter!" Someone shouted through a microphone thingy. I honesty have no idea what to call it. But my mind isn't on that.

The door opens slowly. The whole gang walked out, all of the seemed to be unarmed. But I know them to well. "They aren't unarmed. Trust me." I whispered to Dave, who nodded, still unsure. I saw Lori in the mist of the gang, being held by none other than Andrew. I didn't know what to think or what to feel. I saw the smirk on Andrew's face. And the fear and confusion on Lori's face.

"And if we don't hand over the girl?" Andrew edged on, his smirk growing bigger. I mentally face palmed. He could be such an idiot sometimes.

"Then we'll have no choice but to force you too." Dave told him. But Andrew didn't seem phased at all. He just shurgged. The bickering continued on for a few minutes when I realized something. They would've shot someone by now. Or attacked. And that wasn't like them. Then it all clicked. It was me.

They want me.

I made my way through all the cops and Army. Some tried to stop me but I kept going. They tried grabbing at me and holding me back but I struggled until I got out of their hold. Finally, I made it to the front. I heard Dave shout but I wasn't listening at all. I was staring at the man in front of me. And he was staring right back. But there was no smirk when he saw me.

"Let her go Andrew." I said, crossing my arms.

Andrew raised an eyebrow. "And if I don't." Now I smirked.

"Then you won't get what you want." I replied and Andrew knew that I knew. He knew that I knew that he wanted me. He wanted me to join his gang a long time ago. But I don't want too. I have a better life without him or the gang. Even though I had some fun times with them, I'm liking this life and my friends better.

"You'll come." Was all he said while I just shook my head.

"I'm not going. I said that twelve years ago and my answer is still the same. I'm. Not. Going. With. You. It's not the same as it was all those years ago, Andrew."

Now Andrew smirked. "Either come with us or Lori is a goner." Andrew made a slit of the throat motion. I gasped and narrowed my eyes at him. He wouldn't dare. But then he nodded, confirming my thoughts.

"Your not be serious, are you?" I question, looking for any sign that wuld tell me he was just lying. But I found none. Andrew nodded, telling me that he was truly being serious.

I didn't know what to do. I really didn't want to go back but I didn't want Lori to be killed. It was either me or Lori. My life or Lori's.

Dun dun dun!! Sorry it's been FOREVER since I've updated but I've been so busy! And it's a cliffhanger! I hope that you vote and comment if you have any guesses! I'll try and update tomorrow!

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