11. Danny

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I'm bent double with laughter at her face as she sits up gasping for breath. She sees me in stitches and wears a smirk on her face that said, 'I can't believe you just dared to do that.' She wipes the sea water out of her eyes and pushes her hair, that is now hanging in wet ringlets, back off her shoulders. Before I know it she is on her feet and chasing me down the sand, I drop the bucket I take off, weaving in and out of families that sit on the white sand.

"Shit!" I glance behind me and see she is gaining on me.

When I turned round I realise what she had done. The crafty bitch had chased me down to the water's edge. I stand facing her with my hands in surrender. She shakes her head grinning. Straightening her headband, that I realised she always wears, she slowly walks up to me so she is facing me. Keeping her head level she raises her eyes to glare at me.

"You're going to regret that Danny," her American accent sends a shiver down my spine as my name drips off her tounge.

I fold my arms across my bare chest and raise one eyebrow as if to say... really?

Suddenly, before I can resist or help myself I am being dragged into the sea. It's like a tug if war, she's pulling me in, I'm trying to pull my arm out of her tight grasp. Suddenly she trips and falls into the knee deep water, obviously dragging me down with her.

Although the water is shallow we both ended up under the water, I come up for breath laughing, at the same time as trying to get the sickening taste of salt water out my mouth. Pushing my hair back off my face I look at her, her face now dripping with glistening water droplets. I hadn't noticed how in the sunlight her usually brown eyes had gold flecks in them. I hadn't noticed the freckles dotted around on her cheeks. I hadn't noticed how gorgeous she was.

She stands up out the water, her denim shorts now completely soaked and many shades darker than usual. Taking my hand in her's she makes me walk out further into the water. She has her shoulders just above the water when she stops walking. I smile at her, she blushes.


"Nothing," I smirk, gazing in awe as she runs her finger under the strap of her bikini top to straighten it out.

Somehow, as we're in the sea, enjoying the boyency of our bodies in the water a water fight breaks out between us. It starts off as small splashed but soon escalates into her jumping on my back to dunk us both.

Just when I'm sure I'm going to drown she pulls me back up to the surface. Instead of apologising for nearly killing me she simply smiles at me.

"Your hair's a bit messy." Tentitively she reaches up and pushed the hair that was plastered to my forehead upwards. "That's better."

My heart begins to pound due to the close proximity that we're in.

I don't know how it happenes but my hands end up gripping her exposed waist under the water, her arms wrap round my neck, her legs around my middle. She presses her soft lips against mine and gently, ever so gently kisses me. She pulls away momentarily to gage my reaction but I guide her back to me with my hand on the back of her head. I surprise myself by kissing her hungrily, involuntarily letting out a low moan as she bites down on my bottom lip. I take this as an opportunity to flick my tounge over her lip, her lips taste of salt but my goodness, they're so soft and it makes me crave them even more. Immediately she grants me access and then our tounges battle for dominance in eachother's mouth's, but it's not unpleasant, it's idyllic, full of pleasure and a slight burning of lust.

"So Daniel, what happened down at the beach today?" Mark smirks at me as we attempt to cook some food.

"Erm..." I stall and scratch the back of my neck awkwardly.

"You and Brittany? Give you any hints?" His voice is taunting, he's doing this on purpose.

"Jesus!" I smack fork that I'm holding down on the worktop. "It was nothing! It was just a quick kiss!"

"Just a quick kiss," he makes quotation marks in the air, "looked more like tounges down the throat to me, thought you were going to have sex on the beach..." he pauses as I glare at him, "and no I'm not talking about the drink."

"For fuck sake! Ok maybe it got heated but there was no feelings," I lie.

"What about Alannah Dan?" His voice changes and so does the look in my eye, "You're supposed to be loyal to her."

I stumble back aganist the worktop, reality knocking me off guard, making me feel slightly sick. That hadn't even crossed my mind.


"Hey man, chill, just don't do it again okay? She really needs you to be there for her now." He presses a beer into my hand, I have no idea where he gets half of this shit from. I'm not even old enough to legally drink yet. I've got two weeks to go until my eighteenth.

"I won't," I promise, but I know that the feverish lust I feel when Brittany is with me is irresistible. With Lanna it was always delicate kisses, ones full of love and calmness. But with my American babe it's a whole different story. It was full of hunger, passion... desire.

Then my mind snaps back to Alannah, yes when she kisses me it isn't the most exciting thing but when we're together I can't help but feel happy, like everything is going to be ok, and that isn't even mentioning the sex that comes with it. I put my beer down and walk out the kitchen, away from the view of the sea, it's making me feel guilty. I sit down on my bed and realise I'll have to tell her at one point, just how, and when...

Oops... that was a clever thing to do Danny.
I had fun editing this chapter, I kept writing Amber instead of Alannah, so if that ever happens and I don't see it please tell me so I can change it.
Anyway hope you enjoyed this, let me knowwww.
Love M x

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