part three

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When I woke up I started getting ready for school. Psychology was my first class and we didn't know what was our theme for the entire semester. I walked into class scared I wouldn't know what to say if professor asks me something that it's not in the books. I'm not stupid or whatever, I just always have different opinions from everybody else and no one likes different people.When professor walked in he had the biggest smile on his face.

'So kids, people,humans' - he laughed at his joke, attempt at least - 'theme for this semester is going to be' - oh boy here we go - 'LOVE'.

Whole class rolled their eyes except those who are in happy relationships since high school probably. Till the end of the class he was talking about something I didn't listen to. Truthfully I didn't know anything about love. I've had relationships but they were short and I was never in love. And from Mia's example with Scott I honestly didn't believe that there could be some amazing love in our age and I didn't think anyone would be prepared for this semester.

When I got home Alex and Harry were sitting in my living room and Mia was in kitchen making popcorns.

'Umm hi' - I said awkwardly to Alex and Harry.

'Hello I'm Alex' - he said standing up from the couch.

'I'm Bonnie nice to meet you' - I politely shook his hand.

'Hey Bonnie' - Harry said not paying attention on me and scrolling through his phone.

'Hi Harry'

'Oh you two know each other' - Alex asked, a little bit confused. I explained him that both of us went with them to a coffee shop.

'So Mia can I talk to you for a second?' - she looked at them and started walking towards my room. I slammed my door when we walked in.

'So care to explain what the fuck are they doing here. You've been dating for two days. Like are you actually kidding me?!'

'Oh Bon bon calm down. I don't see a problem.'

'Okay, fine, whatever but why are they here?'

'We're having a movie night. All FOUR of us' - she pointed out 'four' because she knew I would try to escape it.

'Okay we're having a movie night yay' - I said sarcastically. We got back to the living room and we all sat down.

'So what should we watch' - Alex asked. Oh this night is going to be horrible.


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