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"Oh god, here we go," The dark skinned boy groaned, "It's Eleven all over again, I'm telling you!"

Eleven? I remember that name. She was a girl in the lab. A small girl with brown eyes and a shaven head, just like I once had. I never saw her much, only when we were put together for group testing, but judging by the few encounters I had with her, she seemed like a nice enough girl.

"This is nuts! This is nuts! THIS IS NUTS!" The curly haired boy kept chanting, making me flinch when he started yelling.

"Guys, calm down, you're scaring her!" The floppy haired boy glared at the others before sitting next to me, "Is that your name? Seven?" His voice was soft and gentle. I nodded, before he continued, "Alright, well, I'm Mike, that's Lucas," He pointed to the dark skinned boy who wouldn't stop glaring at me, "Dustin," He pointed to the curly haired boy. He grinned at me and I noticed he had some teeth missing. "And that's Will." He pointed to the small boy with the bowl cut.

"Nice to meet you." Will grinned.

"Nice to...meet you." I repeated. I'd heard that term before and I think you say it to people you just met.

"Listen, sorry we kinda freaked out when we saw your tattoo, it's just... We've kind of been in this situation before." I gave him a confused look. What's that supposed to mean? What situation? "We found a girl, about six months ago, she'd run away from Hawkins Lab and we tried to help her. She had a tattoo just like yours and she had these really cool powers. Her name was-"

"Eleven." I finished Mike's sentence for him. I figured that's who he was talking about since Lucas mentioned her.

"You know Eleven?" He asked me, his eyes wide and I nodded, "Do you know where she is?" I frowned and shook my head. Why did he need to know where she was? What happened to her?

"But you're from Hawkins Lab, right?" Mike guessed and I nodded hesitantly. He noticed my uncertainty and added, "Don't worry, no one will find out about you. You're safe with us."

"Hold on, if you're from the lab, why isn't your head shaved like El's?" Lucas butted in to interrogate me.

"El?" I glanced at Mike, confused.

"Yeah, we called Eleven El for short." He explained.

"You didn't answer my question," Lucas snapped, the tone of his voice making me flinch, "Why do you have hair?"

"Lucas, leave her alone." Mike glared harshly at him.

"I ran away." I confessed, hoping they would connect the dots and work out that my hair had grown back since I left the lab.

"From the lab?" Mike questioned, looking concerned as I nodded, "How long have you been running for?"

"A year."

"A year?!" They all yelled in unison, causing me to shrink back in fear.

"Sorry." Mike quickly apologised when he saw how I reacted.

"Wait, so, you haven't eaten properly or had any real shelter for a whole year?" Will asked me and I shook my head.

"Well don't worry, you don't have to live like that anymore." Mike told me and I gave him a small smile.

"Wait, wait, wait, if you're from the same place El came from, does that mean you have superpowers?!" Dustin asked enthusiastically.


"Yeah, they're like special abilities that superheroes and people like that have," Mike explained, "I think El had telekinesis, you know, she could move things with her mind and stuff like that." He paused and looked at me, "Do you have anything like that?"

Another Chance → Mike Wheeler {Stranger Things}Where stories live. Discover now