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I woke up feeling like shit. My throat hurt and my nose was stuffy. I tried to sit up but started coughing uncontrollably.

"Eve?" I heard Mike's voice sounding concern amidst my coughing fit. I didn't even hear him come down the stairs to the basement. He lifted the table cloth to reveal me in my bed.

"Are you okay?" He frowned, kneeling down in front of me as my coughing subsided.

"Uh, I think so." I replied but my voice came out all hoarse and raspy.

"You don't sound too good," Mike stated, "You don't look too good, either. How do you feel?"

"Not great," I admitted, "My nose is blocked and my throat feels all prickly."

"Sounds like you've got a cold." Mike said with a small, knowing smile.

"A cold?" I gave him a confused look.

Mike nodded, "It's like this virus type thing. People usually get it when they're caught out in the rain or cold for too long or if they're around someone who's already got a cold, since they're contagious." I got a little worried when he mentioned it being a virus, but Mike noticed my concern and added, "It's nothing serious. You'll just feel a little crappy for a few days, but don't worry, I'll take care of you."

"But you said it's contagious. What if you catch it?"

"The worst that will happen is I'll get a few days off from school." Mike shrugged with a cheeky grin. I gave him a weak smile back.

"Now, come lay on the couch, you'll be a lot more comfortable there." Mike helped me up and I leaned on him for support because of my ankle, but also because this cold was making me feel weaker than usual. He guided me over to the couch and I laid down on it.

"Wait here, I'll be right back, okay?" He said and I just nodded, my eyes feeling heavy as he ran upstairs. He was only gone for about fifteen minutes, but in that time my eyes had drooped closed and I'd drifted off into a light slumber.

"Eve," Mike's soft voice woke me up, "Eve, wake up, I'm back." My eyes fluttered open to see Mike smiling down at me, holding a mug of something. I rubbed my eyes as I sat up, taking the mug from Mike when he handed it to me. It was liquid of some sort. It was a light, yellowy brown colour with chunks in it and it smelt kinda chickeny. It looked pretty gross so I scrunched my nose up and looked at Mike.

"It's chicken soup," He told me with a chuckle, "I know it looks kinda weird, but it's really nice, trust me. Plus, it'll make you feel better. Just try it." 

I obliged and took a deep breath before bringing the mug to my lips. I took a sip of the soup stuff and let it trickle down my throat. It actually tasted really good.

"Like it?" Mike asked me. I nodded with a smile, making him grin. I drank the rest of the soup and then gave the mug back to Mike who put it on the table.

"Are you cold?" He asked me when I shivered. I nodded with a sniffle and Mike grabbed the blanket that was draped over the back of the couch, "Here, this should help and oh, hang on," He got up, ran upstairs and came back down minutes later with a box of tissues, "These should come in handy as well."

"Thank you." I smiled at him, taking the tissues and using one to blow my nose.

"No problem." Mike smiled back at me. Then, the weird radio thing on the table started crackling before Lucas' voice came through it.

"Mike, we're coming over, okay?"

Mike picked up the strange(r things) looking box and pulled the aerial thingy out of it, "Okay, see you in a few."

"What's that?" I asked with a cough, eyeing the object with confusion.

"This? Oh, it's my supercom." He explained, coming to sit next to me so he could properly show me, "I use it to talk to the guys, but it usually only works with Lucas because he lives the closest."

"So does it-" I was cut off when we heard voices upstairs and seconds later, Lucas, Dustin and Will came down to the basement.

"Hey, guys!" Mike grinned while I just smiled weakly.

"What's up with her?" Lucas asked, earning a glare from Mike for sounding so rude.

"She's got a little cold, that's all." Mike explained, turning to me and giving me a warm smile. I smiled back.

"Oh, well, we hope you get better soon." Will said while Dustin nodded in agreement.

"Thank you." I replied. They all went and sat around the table in the middle of the room, talking about something that I didn't understand. I heard the words dragons and dungeons come up somewhere. About halfway through, Will got up and came to sit on the couch next to me.

"Are you okay, Will?" I frowned in concern. He looked kinda ill, his skin paler than usual and a traumatised look on his face.

"Uh...yeah..." He muttered, shaking his head as if he was trying to shake the thoughts out of his face before he went back to his normal self, looking at me with a smile, "Yeah, I'm fine."

Well, that was weird.

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