Chapter 1

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"Stop!" I yelled as I threw my comforter over my head. I was still half asleep and wasn't in the mood to be bothered. 

"If you're late then I'm late! Get up!" My younger sister, Taylor, yelled on the other side of my door. She's been pounding on it for the past five minutes. 

She's a freshman in high school and I'm a senior. I'm Lauren by the way. I'm usually a really nice person, well unless your trying to wake up from a good sleep like some other people. 

The pounding got twice as loud, "I'm not leaving until you get your ass up!"

"Fine! God damn it, Taylor! Give me a second to come back to life for God sakes." I rolled my eyes and got out of bed while quietly cursing to myself about the situation that just occured. 

I went on my normal morning routine, brushed my teeth, brushed my hair, did my make up, and got dressed. I decided to go with black leggings, my blue tiger-eyed shirt, and black combat boots. Oh, and can't forget my black leather jacket, god I loved that jacket. I bet you're wondering what my favorite color is huh? It's red. Though, blacks a close second.

I walked down the steps to enter the door way. I walked into the kitchen where Taylor was finishing up some last minute homework. "And I'm going to be the one to make up late yet you haven't even finished your homework." She looked up and rolled her eyes. "Let's go." I grabbed my keys off the key rack and made our way to my car. Off to school we go.  


The school day was normal. Same people in each of my classes, same nasty lunches, same usual after school softball practice. 

"Okay girls, we're going practice bunting while being on defense. Everyone go to your position."

I was the starting second basemen on my varisty softball team. I've held this position since seventh grade during middle school. I guess you could say I was pretty good. One time I made a triple play by diving head first to a line drive, making the catch, throwing it to second getting the girl who tried to run to third, and then it was thrown to first getting the girl out who tried running to first. Yeah, I'm kinda good. 

We had a back up second basmen, incase if I ever got hurt during the game. Her name was Anna, she was pretty cool. She was a junior. We both lined up between first and second base waiting for our turns to cover first base as the first basemen ran to field the bunt. 

After working for on the same drill for fifteen minutes we all took a water break. 

"Hey Lauren, what are you doing Friday night?" Anna asked me before taking a sip of her water bottle.

"Uhm, I don't think anything really. Why?" I answered as I wiped the sweat off of my forehead.

She put her bottle down, and reached to the bench for her glove, "I'm having a sleepover, I know it's sounds kind of kidish but I wanted to get all the girls together, you know like a little softball gathering." 

I gave her a small smile, "Yeah sure, sounds cool."

"Breaks over ladies, lets go!"


The week flew by and Friday has finally arrived. The school day went fast as usual. Coach called off practice because she had a doctors appointment. I wasn't complaining, it was nice having a day off.

"Mom! I'm leaving to go to Anna's house. I'll see you in the morning!" I yelled up the steps where my mom was.

"Okay hunny, have fun! No partying!" She yelled back adding her little joke. 

I drove myself to Anna's house, parking next to the rest of the girls cars. She lived in a pretty nice house. It was three stories and had a huge front lawn. Her family came from money so its not really suprise effect when you see her house.

I walked up to her front door and knocked. The door swung up showing a little girl who looked Latina and a small pink bow in her hair, "Hi!" She smiled at me. 

I gave her a warm smile, "Hi, I'm Lauren. I'm a friend of Anna's. Can I come in?"

She nodded at me opening the door wider, "Hi Lauren, I'm Sofi. I'm Anna's neighbor, her sister Kayla is my bestfriend." 

"Sofi is a pretty name," I complimented her as I walked into the house, closing the door behind me. Sofi ran off with a girl that seemed her age which I assumed as Kayla. 

"You made it!" Anna yelled pulling me into a hug that lasted longer than it should have. 

"Yeah! I did!" I said trying to pull out of the hug. "Uhm, Anna."

She let go and blushed, "Sorry, I didn't mean to hug you that long. But come in! Everyone's in the living room."

I followed her into the living room where the rest of the team was. They were all sitting on the floor talking about random subjects. I plopped on the couch, Anna following my actions. I looked to my left to find an unfamilar face. This girl on the corner of the couch was breath taking, I couldn't look away. She had long curly black hair that fell on each sides of her face. She had her knees tucked into her side and was hiding behind a book. 

I looked over at Anna who was staring at me. That wasn't awkward or anything. "Sorry, your hair just looks really pretty," She said blushing a little. 

"Thanks.." I said awkwardly. I tried changing the subject, "Who is she?" I asked nudging my head to the left, referring to the girl sucked into her book.

"Oh, That's Camila."

Camila. Such a beautiful name. 

"Camila," It rolled off my tounge so perfectly. 

"Hmm?" I heard a muffled voice answer next to me. 

Oh, shit. I didn't actually mean to be that loud. I was just trying out her name. "Hi Camila, I'm Lauren." I smiled at her.

She gave me a small smile, and dear lord that smile was perfect. I felt tingles throughout my body. "Hi," She whispered. 


As that night went on I couldn't keep my mind off of the girl sitting on the couch. She hasn't moved from that spot all night. I eventually got up to get food, sit on the floor with the girls, and join in the conversations.

"Why doesn't she interact with us?" I asked Anna who practically glued herself to my side all night. 

She gave me a small shrug, "She doesn't really talk. I've only heard a few words out of her like twice. My mom made me invite her because she doesn't really have friends. She thinks it'll help her make some."

I looked over my shoulder to Camila who was still paying no attention to the atmosphere around her. 

"She hasn't always been like that though. I overheard my mom talking to hers about something. She said Camila used to so full of life and such a happy kid. Now she just stays quiet and seperates herself from the world.," Anna further explained.

I wanted to know what happened to Camila. What made her shut herself off from the world. I've only known this girl for not even two hours and it's like I needed her. I needed to know who she was. After tonight I've decided that I am going to get to know Camila. Not for who she is now but who she was. There was something about her, I just didn't quite know it yet. 

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