Chapter 3

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After lunch I went straight to the art room. I know it would take alot of convincing for Ms. Grant to let me join the club since we were already in the fourth semester but she surprisingly allowed. She said it was nice that a jock of the school wanted to join art. Too bad I was doing it for a complete different reason.

The school day finally ended and softball practice began. I asked Anna to be my warm-up partner so we could talk more. I knew I was just using her to find more about her neighbor but what she didn't know wouldn't hurt her.

"I'm glad we're becoming better friends," Anna warmly smiled as we worked on wrist flicks with the softball.

"Yeah, me too," I responded, backing up a little so I could stretch out my throw. The sun's rays were directly in my view, blinding me from my surroundings. "Shit, I really should've brought sunglasses," I growled in stupidity.

"Here," Anna yelled, taking off her sunglasses and threw them at me, "Take mine, the sun is towards my back so it doesn't affect me."

"No, its fine.."

"No, take them," She exclaimed shooing me off not taking no for an answer. "I don't want them back. Please, just take them."

"Okay, alright," I chuckled as I reached to the ground to pick up the glasses.

"So, do you want to comeover after practice?" Anna asked with hesitation in her voice, "It's okay if you don't want to.."

"No, that sounds cool," I fastly said, reasurring the girl. This was the perfect chance to get near Camila's home life. Sure, I got near her at school but this would be killing two birds with one stone. Yeah, I thought Anna was cool and all but she wasn't the main focus. The silent girl who only spoke a few words was.

Anna just ended riding with me to her house since we both were going to the same destination. We walked into the large house, me following her from behind.

"So what do you want to do?" Anna asked, placing her softball bag in the doorway.

I looked around the familar house, admiring all the family photos hanging on the walls, "Whatever you want, it's your house."

"Well we could go to my roo.." She was cut off by the door bell. After taking a second to roll her eyes she walked over to the door slightly opening it. "Oh, hey Camila."

My heart began to pound through my chest. I was hoping to think of a plan to get near Camila while at Anna's, I wasn't expecting the plan to literally walk into me. Plus I'm still in my practice clothes which had dirt all over them from sliding, "Shit!" I silently whispered to myself because I looked like the word itself, shit.

"I'm just here for Sofi," she quietly answered, eyes towards her feet, "My mom said she's over here playing with Kayla."

"Yeah, I think they're upstairs in her room." Anna opened the door wider, "Here you can come in."

I tried to get myself together quick. I threw my head to my knees trying to bundle as much hair as I could and pull it into a high ponytail. I didn't need my sweaty hair hanging down on my face. As I stood back up to regain posture I was met with brown chocolate eyes.

"I'll go run up and get them," Anna said, running up the stairs to go fectch the younger girls.

"So we meet again," I awkwardly chucked. I then mentally slapped myself for making myself seem so wierd.

"Yeah," Camila nodded looking back down to her feet.

"So, you're in art club right?" I asked, trying to get a conversation going.

"Behind the Silence" CamrenWhere stories live. Discover now