Chapter 2

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My whole weekend was occupied to thoughts. Thoughts directly towards Camila. Ever since Friday night she has been my complete distraction. The way she stuck a little bit of her tounge out and furrowed her eyes brows as she read, it was so mesmorizing. I kept asking who was she over and over again.

I jumped off my bed and ran over to my shelf that held all my high school year books. Shit. I didn't know Camila's last name, how was I supposed to find out if she goes to school with me? I flipped it open and looked through my senior class which was my junior class back then. I used my finger to scan every name.

"Damn it!" I growled in fustration. There was no Camila. I tried the junior, well sophomore class this time. I saw some familiar faces, but mostly just the girls on my softball team. I scanned through each of the pictures and ..

"Karla Cabello?" I asked out loud. I thought her name was Camila? It had her picture above the name. She was giving a small smile, nothing major. She still looked absolutely stunning. I still don't get how I've never seen this girl in school before. She was so beautiful, there is no possible way I could've just walked past her and made no interaction. Well I know who I'm going to be searching for in the halls on Monday.


I woke up bright and early Monday morning. I went through my routine and made sure I dressed extra cute. I curled my hair trying to add some oomf. 

"Who are you trying to impress?" My sister smirked at me leaning again the bathroom door frame.

"No one, go away," I tried shooing her off. 

She began to laugh, making a baby voice "Lauren's got a crush ayee?" 

"Fuck off," I laughed before shutting the door in her face. 

I didn't have a crush on Camila. She was a girl, how could I crush on her? Yeah, I thought she was breath taking but other girls think that about Megan Fox and they're all straight. It's not like I wanted to kiss her or anything. Atleast I don't think so.. 

I shook off the thought of it and finished getting ready. I was trying to become friend with Camila, nothing else. She seemed like she needed a friend and I was happy to take that place. 


I walked into school and went straight to my locker. I put in my combination and opened it, grabbing a few books inisde. I closed the locker, "Woah!" I jumped back a little startled from the body hiding behind my locker, occupying their own.

"Sorry," She whipered. 

"Camila?" I looked at her with a shocked expression. Has her locker always been next to mine? How the hell did I not see this? 

"Yes?" She asked quietly, looking down at her feet. 

She wouldn't even look up at me, she just kept her head hanging to the ground. A girl as beautiful as her should have her head held high.

"You should pick you head up, your smile is too gorgeous not to be seen," I said with a soft smile.

She picked her head up and looked right at me with a suprised look. It's like those words were foreign to her. I stared into her brown orbs, they were captivating. I could get lost in them, so big and beautifully brown.

"I uhm, I gotta go," She whispered as she lowered her head back down. She closed her locker and walked down the hall, her eyes down at her feet.

I watched her take every step. It hurt knowing she didn't have any confidence in herself. It hurt that she couldn't even hold her head up even after a compliment. I don't care how I'm getting close to her but I'm going to do it. 


I didn't see her for the rest of the morning. We didn't share any classes which was pretty understanding since she's a grade below me. 

The bell rang which meant it was time for lunch. I walked into the lunch room looking for my usual table that the softball girls sat at. I took my usual seat next to Vero and Alexa. They didn't play softball but they helped manage sometimes so we still considered them part of the team. 

"Lauren!" Vero yelled pulling me into a hug. I hugged her back. "So who's the crush?" 

I whipped my head towards her, "What crush? We were just talking at my locker!" I tried explaining myself. All I did was call her smile gorgeous, nothing crazy.

"Woah, woah, relax there." She laughed playfully putting her hands up, "Taylor informed me on you trying to get dolled up this morning, but I guess I'm to have to stalk your locker for now on," She said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and pushed her shoulder jokingly. 

"So who is he?" She asked laying her arm across the table. "Is he a jock? Is he a bad boy? Ohh, did you go for a nerd? Come on, Lauren you could do so much better. Well maybe he'll be rich one day and.."

"Vero! Stop!" I laughed cutting her off, "I don't have a crush on anyone. I swear."

"Mhhhm, okay. I'll be watching you," She giggled using her pointer and index finger to point from her eyes to mine. 

I playfully rolled my eyes looking up from the table and my eyes widened. Camila walked in and sat at a table all by herself. So she's in my lunch too? I really need to pay attention more. Vero got into a conversation with Alexa so I used it as an escape to sneek away from the table.

I walked over to where Camila was sitting. She was drawing in a sketch book but I couldn't really make out what was being drawn. I pulled a chair up and sat next to her. She stopped drawing and slowly looked up at me. I gave her a small smile, "Hey, whatcha drawing there?"

She looked down at her sketch and slid it towards me so I could get a better look. She was drawing a tiger. It looked so realistic, my jaw dropped in amazement. "Camila, this is really good. You're amazing!" I said placing my hand on top of hers. She looked down at my hand and then back up at me.

"Sorry," I embarrasingly said as I took my hand away. 

She gave me a smile letting me know that it was okay. She picked up her pencil and began to draw again. 

It began to get quiet again so I decided to start a conversation, "So are you in like art club or something?" 

She gave me a nod, never taking her eyes off the sketch.

"Sounds cool," I said sensing the awkwardness. "Well I'm going to go back to my other table. I'll see you around Camila." 

"Bye Lauren," She whispered looking up at me as I got up. I gave her a smile back, feeling those tingles go through my body again. I wish she smiled like that all the time. 

I walked over to my table, taking my seat again.

"Where'd you go?" Vero asked me in a confused tone.

"Doesn't matter" I said avoiding her question, "but what would you say if I joined art club?"

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