Chapter 4

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I know you're all wondering who the second person to die was. Well, get ready, this is a particular sad story, especially for parents. This whole idea definitely made me question life. More so than I ever thought I could. Death is a mysterious thing and life is a precious thing. This really made me see life through a different set of eyes.

It was a Friday and our school was preparing to go on a fieldtrip. A field trip to D.C., to see the botanical gardens. The sun was shining and the day was looking bright. It was by our Friday class groups, on Friday's we have special classes. Sara was in my group , well was supposed to be in my group that day.

I sat on the bus and happily waited for the fieldtrip to commence. Smiles and laughs filled the bus with pure excitement. Little did we know, that some of us would be having the worst day of our lives. It would have been the worst day of my life, besides the day that Sonny died.

The day went as planned, besides the fact that a quarter of our grade didn't come to school because it was just a field trip. There were two people missing from our group, Kara and Sara. I just assumed they didn't come because it was a field trip, I was wrong. Very, very wrong.

I hung out with my friends like I would on any other day. But today was special. When I think of special days, I think of birthdays and weddings, not the death of a classmate. A twelve year old classmate, who was going to turn thirteen a month after she died.

The bus ride back to school was average. There were the loud kids in the back of the bus and kids who talked with our science teacher in the front. I sat toward the back of the middle, by myself. I just wanted to sleep, so I tried to. The most ironic thing happened in my attempt to sleep, I thought about what death was like. I brought my feet to my chest and closed my eyes.

Is it just darkness? Is there even anything after life? I know that we all live for some reason. But what is that reason? And what happens if we don't achieve that reason? Is there some sort of penalty?

The teacher on our bus stood up and quieted us all down. "Right when you go inside, go straight to the Lab. Do not go to the bathroom, your lockers, or anywhere else. You must go to the Lab."

The girl sitting next to me looked out her window and said something to me. "I can't go, my mom's already here... Why is my mom already here?" A look of confusion dawned on her face. She was one of Sara's closest friends.

As I walked off of the bus I saw teachers hugging students. A few girls were crying, Sara's closest friends. "Why is everyone crying?" I asked one of my best friends, Mary.

She glanced around the place, "Why would I know?"

We all made it into the Lab, every student in our grade who was there that dreadful day. We sat. Our mouths moved as teachers and parents flooded into the small Lab. No one understood the weight of what we were about to hear. That weight would weigh on some of our shoulders for the rest of our lives.

Ms. Goldstein stood at the front of the Lab. "We are all here to support each other. What I am about to tell you is something no one expected and we are all very upset. But we will get through this together," She took a deep breath. "Our friend Sara Morgan has passed." Sobs broke out through the whole room. My mouth dropped down to the floor in surprise. The sobs and whispers made the room noisy.

I couldn't move. I wasn't friends with Sara, but I knew her for two years. One of those years we were kind of friends. The girl next to me, one of her friends, was sobbing. She was hard core sobbing. She felt the exact pain I felt after Sonny died. Pure pain.

Teachers were wiping tears off of their cheeks and hugging children. Parents were notified an hour before we knew. Every parent who knew their child was friends with Sara was there. Girls who didn't like Sara were crying. Someone we all knew very well was gone. We would never get to know her better, only through her memory.

I wiped the tears off of my cheeks as we walked out of the lab. My mouth was now only about to touch the ground. Most of my friends had no reaction, but I was upset. How could this happen to someone. I know what you're wondering. Was it suicide? That's not what the teachers told us. They told us that she died peacefully in her sleep.

There was only one reason why it would make sense that she would die from suicide. That reason was an Instagram account. A stupid Instagram account. The account was a couple's account for our grade. They paired up couples that everyone knew would never work, the account was anonymous. Everyone blamed two people for the account, Sara and my friend Mary. They were the two most gossipy people in our grade. So of course, everyone assumed it was them.

Sara claimed it wasn't her. She was upset about it, she even commented on one of their posts. Saying, 'please take this down. This account has ruined my life in the last two hours.' Later on we all found out the account wasn't run by her because the creator deleted the account after Sara died. We still don't know who the creator was and how much guilt they're carrying for Sara's death. Who knows? Maybe they think that Sara commit suicide because of them.

As we walked out of the Lab, almost everyone crying, the whole school surrounded us. All other grades and teachers made a path of people. It felt as if we all walked out of that room in slow motion, our tears flying behind us. I went straight to my locker. I wanted to be picked up from school. Even though, I knew I wouldn't be picked up for at least another fifteen minutes.

I grabbed my phone from my locker and went straight to the library. I sat in the one comfortable chair.

Me: Someone please pick me up

Zara: Oh didnt that girl in ur grade die

Mom: What?

Dad: Be there in 15, you okay?

I shut my phone off and looked up. There stood Lacey, one of my best friends. "You okay? I know that this made you really upset." She held her backpack on her back and her phone in her hand.

"Yeah, yeah, this is just so crazy to think about. She's our age, so young." I shake my head incredulously.

She looked behind her. "I gotta go. I just wanted to check on you. Bye."

"Bye." I turn my phone back on. I thought that maybe watching Netflix would stop me from questioning what life is actually about. It didn't.


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