GBFs and Players

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His yellow eyes stare me down; pupils as large as they can go. His pitch black tail swings from side-to-side as he sits staring in the doorway. Each time our eyes make contact his head moves swiftly to a different direction. Finally, when our eyes connect for more than a second I'm able to call him over. I scratch on the carpet below the bed and the low rumble of his purr grows louder as he comes closer to the bed. A screaming ringtone goes off and scares him on his way to me. He quickly bolts out of the room, but not before hitting his head on the door frame.

"What time is it?" Jak sleepily searches for his phone. When the ringtone stops I lay back down on my side of the bed.

"It's twelve," I say annoyed the Salem got away. His arm slips around me and pulls me into his chest.

"Twelve what?" He's still tired.

"It's twelve o'clock."

"Oh," he says before his eyes shoot open and he rushes out of bed, "fuck, sorry Mia I have to leave."

He slips on his green v-neck and then struggles with his jeans as he exits the bedroom. The sound of him stomping down the stairs begins to stop as the front door opens and closes. Less then a minute later my phone rings with my text message notification. Jak's name pops up with a sorry message. After spending a few more minutes in bed I slip on the tank top from last night and head downstairs.

Bandit sits by his food bowl staring intently waiting for it to refill. His little body seems to become rounder as Salem quietly gets ready for his greatest attack yet.

"How's my little Toto today?" I ask cause a quick glance up and a tail wag before his eyes reconnect with his bowl. As soon as I pour a cup of food into the bowl he begins to gobble way.

"Looks like we'll have to switch you to a diet food." His eyes bolt up from the almost empty bowl to glare at me. I glare back which give me an apologetic look back.

"Oooo you got in trouble with your mom." Luke's voice enters the conversation as the sound of the front door closes. "Mia put some pants on!"

"Sorry." I laugh out when he enters the kitchen to find me in a tank top and underwear.

"Let me guess, Jak was over?" he sighs out giving Bandit a scratch behind the ears and ruining Salem's attack.

"He left not to long ago."

"Tell me why you're 'bunk buddies' again?" he asks with a little hint of annoyance before sitting down at the counter.

"It just sorta happened. It's not like it's hurting anyone." I admitted giving me an eye roll.

"It is hurting someone. You like him so much and it's so clear to see." Luke argues as I pour a glass of strawberry banana V-Fusion into my favorite raccoon mug.

"I'm not getting hurt and I do not like him so much. We're just having fun." I deny before taking a sip of my drink.

"If you really don't like him that much then why do you always blush when we talk about him?" Luke continues his argument and I can now feel the warmth in my cheeks.

"My face gets red!" I yell trying to rub the red way from my face.

"Sure," he whispers while holding Salem relieving his white stomach. "Let go play a game."

"You're on!" I say with a challenging tone while finishing my drink.

By the time it was five in the evening we finished ten rounds of two PVP fighting games. My phone had gone off five times from texts from Jak, three from Aaron, and ten from Mandy. Luke's phone went off twice, most likely his boyfriend.

"Hey looks like Aaron is having a party tonight. Wanna go?" He asks looking down at his phone.

The victory scene from the last fight stays up on the TV while I way the pros and cons of the question. A party on a Saturday night is completely normal, but my antisocial side is being to emerge from the depths within.

"It's a simple yes or no Mia." Luke laughs out seeing the debates going on in my head.

"I'm not too sure. Honestly, I feel like staying in." I frown slightly giving my reply.

The look on Luke's face goes from excited and happy to complete disappointment.

"You know Aaron only throws these parties every now and then to see you right?" he blurts out like he's trying to convince me to go.

"I thought it was a simple yes or no question?" I question while turning the game system off

"I lied," he admits while putting both Bandit and Salem who curled up on the couch together.

"So it's just a one answer question?" I ask knowing his answer.


Sighing I nod my head before heading back to my room. The sound of a woken up Cairn Terrier and cat echo through the once quiet house. As I reach the top of the stairs I hear Luke call up Jak to say we're going to the party and to meet up at my place.

"Great," I mumble to myself knowing no one can hear me at the top of the stairs.

I open my closet only to feel like all my clothes are too bland for the party. With Luke yelling to hurry up I snag a dark denim mini skirt from my dresser and a cropped off purple tank top. To top it off I grab my leather jacket and heels with bows on the side. I quickly finish off the look with a smokey cat eye and teased my hair till it looks 'sexy'.

"You look great," Luke says sneaking up behind me as I look at the entire look in my full mirror.

The doorbell alerts Bandit and the barking commences. Luke leaves to grab the door and silence Bandit giving me time to snatch up the ring Jak left earlier. Walking down the stairs I can hear another female voice.

"So how did you two meet." I hear Luke ask hoping to get a decent response.

"Oh, well you see, Pooh Bear and I met at a party two weeks ago. He was so romantic and sweet." the voice says.

"I see," Luke growls as I make my way to the end of the stairs.

"Mia good to see you," Jak says with his arm wrapped around another barbie type girl.

Her entire style matched the voice. Bleach blonde hair that frames her face so her bright blue eyes shine bright, an outfit with so much pink I'm positive it's her favorite color, and olive skin that pulls the entire Barbie look together. I'm not entirely why Jak likes this style, but he keeps coming back to me. The man confuses me more than my own sister.

"Hi I'm Kimberly," she says trying to pull herself closer to Jak. "Jak has told me so much about you!"

I hate judging a book by their cover, but this girlfriend of his seems like she was the popular girl in high school.

"Nice to meet you, Kimberly." I plaster a fake smile on my face before linking arms with Luke.

"You jelly?" Luke whispers in my ear.

"No," I lie, "but I wish you were my boyfriend."

"Sweetie I'm your GBF?"

"My gay best friend?" confusion falls over my face as we all head out to the car.

He laughs before replying. "Your gay boyfriend."

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