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The music can be heard from what seems like a block away in the car. Luckily for Aaron his house is pretty secluded.  As we pull up to his mansion, and I'm not joking about that, Luke pulls out his phone for a text message while life size barbie chats away to Jak. The hole ride Kimberly would set her arm on the armrest and twirl her hair. Every time Jak looked over I was positive we would crash.
Pulling into the gate at the house Jak parks the car near the house along side some others. Reaching the house I can already see people drunk and trying to walk saying they were okay. I'm not sure when this party started, but we're here now. As we reach the front door I can hear people screaming as they score at beer pong.
“Sounds like fun!”Kimberly yells picking up her pace to enter the house.
“Wait up,” Jak orders trying to catch up with run away barbie.
Luke and I stay behind and wait for his new love interest. The night air sends chill down my spine. Calvin's red Subaru pulls up through the gates and I'm left alone in the night as Luke goes to greet him.
“Aren't you cold?” a familiar voice asks behind me.
His green eyes seem to glisten like the stars. His brown hair straightened instead of the regular curls I'm use too. My heart seems to jump at the shock of seeing him sitting at the window.
“I'm just fine, see I have a coat.” I tease and flaunt my leather jacket after recovering from his sneak up.
“I see that, why don't you come inside?” He laughs out while swaying a beer bottle in front of me. His smile causes me to blush as I nod. “I'll grab you a drink. Meet me in the kitchen.”
As he leaves I see Luke and Calvin already walking to the front door of the party. They hands so close to one another. Picking up my pace as fast as I can in the heels I'm wearing I finally reach them. Luke laughs as Calvin finishes his joke.
“I'm stealing him really quick.” I say linking arms with Luke.
“As long as you bring him back.” Calvin yells after us.
“No promises!” I yell laughing as Luke and I enter the mansion.
The music is blasting as we walk through the entry way and to the kitchen. Girls dance and grind on one another as guys watch; lust in their eyes. Jak sits in a corner chair like it's a throne and watches while Kimberly sits besides him; jealousy in her eyes. It seems like a high school house party more then an adult party. As we reach the kitchen Aaron is already pouring a drink for Luke and I with a brunette on his right. She twirls a strand of her hair while bushing her B cup against his arm.
“Sweetie you're not his type.” Luke announces while grabbing the drinks from Aaron.
“Like you know.” she retorts in a snooty voice.
“I do and he likes red heads.” Luke laughs while pushing her aside.
“Not nice, but okay.” Aaron says while the brunette walks away pouting.
“No worries, I'm sure she'll find another guy to hit on in a minute.” Luke explains and we both know he's right.
Less the a minute later we see her with a buff blonde trying to comfort her; or get in her panties.  We spend a few hours laughing and talking until Calvin and Luke go to dance. The silence between Aaron and I seems to grow as we stand in one of the living rooms watching people dance and drink. I can feel the awkwardness grow between us until some girl forces Aaron to go dance with her. Left in silence alone I sip on my fifth drink and watch everyone else have fun.
“Hey do you want to go take some shots?” Jak's voice asks behind me. His breath on my neck sends chills down my spine only allowing me to nod.
Moving away from the living room party we head towards the backyard where the shots were happening. People stripped down to their underwear play in the pool while groups of girls sit at the edge with their feet in the pool. Jak's hand grabs mine and pulls me closer to him as a group of guys walk past us. I can feel their eyes on my ass as we walk away from one another. Instead of confidence I’ve become insecure. Jak's had grips tighter as we reach the shot bar and my entire body relaxes as I keep my eyes on him and nothing else.
The music and voices around us seem to disappear and the world just revolved around us. I might be a little in love with Jak… just a little.
“Here.” He says handing me a shot of vodka and a chaser.
Handing the chaser back I down the drink. The warm tingling feeling rushes through my body as I focus on not vomiting. I'm positive I look like I just ate a lemon as I wait for the feeling to pass. When I open my eyes my shot glass is already full again. Oh, the fun of trying to fit in and keep up. One after another I take a shot and the feeling of vomit gets closer as my chest feels like its on fire. My vision already getting ready for drunk goggles as I try to keep myself a float.
“You're the only girl I know that doesn't need a chaser for this stuff.” Jak laughs while pouring himself another shot.
“A chaser just makes the vomit feeling worse.” I explain while setting down my glass, or at least trying to.
With one last shot, making it a total of five, we leave the backyard. Jak's hand still grasping mine; not sure if it's to keep me from falling over or what. The sound of music gets quieter as he leads me up to the stairs. People still come through the door as others get in cab to leave.
“Slow down,” I say as my head begins to feel like it's spinning.
“We're almost there.” he sighs pulling me into an empty room.
As the door shuts his lips connect with mine. The passion I felt the other night fills me as we move in sync with each other. His hands move over my sides and slide up my top. My body reacts and takes of my leather jacket before wrapping my arms around his neck. The touch of his fingers gives me goosebumps all over. My heart races as all my senses escape my mind. His hands move back down to my butt. While they leave the top they slowly trace my spine making my body feel like it's on fire. His lips move from mine to my jaw line to my neck and my brain decided to remember Kimberly.
“What about barbie?” I ask between the moans.
“What about her?” his lips brush against my skin as he speaks sending chills down my body.
“She's your girlfriend isn't she.” I finally managed to get out after pushing him away.
“Mia, she doesn't matter. All I want is you right now. You're the only person for me.” He explains pulling me back into his arms.
“Okay,” I sigh before his lips reconnect with mine.
My arms wrap around his neck again as his hands pull me up. The small feeling that he's lying goes away as he moves us to the bed. His shirt leaves the bed before mine while bottoms follow. As he pulls me closer to him I can feel him through the two pieces of cloth that block us. The rest of our clothes fall to the floor as his kisses move down my body and to my hips. Every thought in my mind vanished as we continue for the next hour. When everything is all done and over I stay laying on the bed while Jak redresses. The effects of the alcohol waring off it's easier to redress.
“Thanks,” he says kissing my forehead before leaving the room.
“Your welcome.” I utter sadly slipping my skirt back on.
After getting dressed I rejoin the party. Sadly, it seems to be dying. A quick glance around and I spot Calvin and Luke standing against the wall talking with some one sitting. Kimberly walks past me and sits in the persons lap causing me to walk a little faster. There back in his throne is Jak. Sitting like a king with a new beer in his hand from his queen sitting on his lap. She kisses him on the cheek and my heart seems to shatter into pieces. As I try to hold back tears Luke catches my eye as he makes his way over.
“You okay,” he asks before drying up a fallen tear, “Why are you crying?”
“I'm not,” I lie pushing his hand away from my face, “I need a drink. That's all.”
As I leave the room I hear barbie giggle when Jak kisses her neck. My stomach turns at their voices laughing and talking all lovey dovey. As I reach the kitchen Aaron comes into view. His face a little pale as two girls try to flirt with him. The moment our eyes connect he leaves faster then the road runner.
“You okay?” he ask walking up to me.
“Yeah, just need a damn drink.”I try to laugh out, but I’m sure he can see through it.
“Not a problem,” he kindly says while pulling a cold beer from his fridge, “it's the expensive stuff.”
“Isn't it all expensive?” I laugh taking the beer from him.
“Oh god no, it's only the best for my closest friends.” He gasps with his hand on his chest like I just insulted him before smiling at me.
“Well, lets drink!”
One after another and the bottles seems to pile up as I try to escape the pain Jak caused. Every drink brought me closer to darkness until everything was gone; nothing but a black out.

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