Roman Troubles

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  Panic started to set in as Hiccup and Toothless followed Bertil back to the Night Warriors. They crashed into the village, startling the people. 'The Chief!' Bertil shouted, 'It's an emergency! Where is Halvard!'

"Whoa! Bertil!" Erland ran up and placed both of his hands on the Rumblehorns snout, "What's wrong?"

"Astrid and your sister were kidnapped," Hiccup explained.

"Luna has been kidnapped hundreds of times," Erland told Hiccup, "She usually escapes in two hours."

'No, this is very different!' Bertil nearly shouted in the boys ears, 'They were kidnapped by Romans!'

 "What!?" Erland felt his knees buckle but he caught himself. The Night Warriors haven't had the nicest of history with the Romans. Erland spun around and took off towards the Dragon's Nest, where his father was.  


The Night Warriors bickering among each other. "Is this an act of war?" one asked.

"It can't be!" another denied, "Neither us or the Romans have made a move in over fifty years!"

"That's because we've been in a stalemate!" another shouted.

"That's enough!" Harvlard yelled above them, "Bertil has explained to me that it was a small fishing boat that took them."

"A boat that has dragon hunting weapons!?"

"Settle down!" he warned them, "This is clearly a misunderstanding. I will go and talk it out."

"I'm going with you," Hiccup insisted, "They have Astrid."

"Right," He nodded, "Bertil! I need you to take us to where it happened."



Bertil lead Hiccup and Harvlard to the spot in which it happened. Luckily, there were no other ships around. 'It was here,' Bertil hovered in the air, 'It's my fault that they got caught. I'm the one who picked up the Romans scent.'

"Don't beat yourself up," Harvlard reached out and patted the dragon.

"Umm, if you don't mind me asking," Hiccup said, "What sort of history do you have with Romans?"

"Ever since we made Night Island our home we've had trouble with them," Harvlard explained, "And as you heard from that man we've been in a stalemate with them in fifty years. I'm so sorry for getting you involved."

"No, no. It's fine." Hiccup didn't felt dragged in, "Bertil did say it was fishing boat. So it could just be a small village."

"A village with Dragon Hunting weapons," the older Chief reminded Hiccup, "We'll need to tread carefully here. What have you done?"

"I've sent Sharpshot back to Berk," Hiccup explained.

"Alright," Harlvard turned around, "It'd be best if I did the talking. Bertil, think you can trail the boats scent?"

'Think? I will!'


Back on Berk everything was going on as normal. Astrid's mother was returning from gathering food when she spotted a small figure flying towards her. She squinted her eyes and was able to see that it was a Terrible Terror. The little dragon was pumping it's wings hard. she sat her basket of food down; concerned. The Terror flew up to her; and she saw the note on it's leg.

She pulled the paper form the Terror and the dragon flew up to her shoulder. The note read:

Mrs. Hofferson,

This Hiccup Haddock, Chief. I do not wish you to panic with what I'm about to tell you, as it is not something to worry about; yet. Our new allies, the Night Warriors, have run into troubles with Romans-it is simply just a misunderstanding-and Astrid is caught up in the middle. As I said; do not worry. I will work with the Chief of the Night Warriors to clear up this misunderstanding. If you could inform my mother and she could tell the village that would be appreciated

-Hiccup Haddock.

Her heart skipped a beat; he said not to worry; but as a mother she did; naturally. "Alright," she folded the paper, "It's nothing to serious, right?"

'The misunderstanding is with a small village; so no,' Rose said.

"Okay," Astrid's mother picked up her basket; a small bit of worry swimming in her heart; and set out to find Valka.


I hate to inform you that my stupid ass internet won't work. A technician is set to come out next Monday, but idk to if they could fix it. I pray that they can 'cuz I CAN'T FUCKING PLAY SCHOOL OF DRAGONS AND IT'S PISSING OFF MY PET PEEVE! UGH! Anyway! I hope that you like this chapter. Sorry that it was posted late. the internet shit is why.  

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