A Plea For Innocence

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  Astrid and Luna sat quietly on the Roman boat; their hands tied behind them. "I am sick and tired of being tied up and thrown into a boat," Astrid groaned.

'Mmmt lmmemst ymour mnot in a mcage,' Stormy muffled through his muzzle.

"I'm sorry," Luna sighed, "My people haven't had the best history with Romans. They must have seen me and thought that they were going to be attacked."

Astrid calmed herself and shook her head, "No, it's not your fault. Though it would be nice to know what they were saying."

"They said that we were going to destroy their village," Luna explained, "Seems like they don't trust anyone that is on the back of a dragon."

"Why sort of history does your people have with Romans?" Astrid asked, "Berk has fought against Romans in the past. Ones that tried to attack our village."

"Eh," Luna shrugged, "Fishing areas, territory...it got a little heated many years ago-before I was born. Lately it's been quiet between us. Kind of like a stalemate."

Male voices and loud footsteps could be heard from above. Dust fell through the cracks of the woods as the Roman men walked past. Luna and Astrid waited for them to walk in; but when nobody came; they continued talking.

"What kind of armor do you wear?" Astrid asked, "It looks familiar."

"You noticed?" Luna chuckled, "I'm surprised that Hiccup hasn't since he's actually touched it...It's...uh...Night Fury skin."

"What!?" Astrid stared at Luna with shock.

"Yeah..." Luna chuckled a bit nervously, "A few years ago I had actually found a young male Night Fury. It...took a bit to get him to understand that I was friend, but, I was so happy to have finally found one."

"What happened?"

"I ran into a Dragon Hunter," Luna explained, "A very, very bad Dragon Hunter. He took Tracker and little Night Fury; who I had named Toothy; funny enough. I trained a wild Changewing and followed them." Luna chocked back the tears that tried to fall, "I tried to rescue him...but...poor thing got caught in the crossfire."

"Oh..." Astrid felt pity for Luna; that must have been very hard to watch.

"My people," Luna continued, "We have a custom in which if a dragon dies we'll you every bit of the dragon. The sales and skins for clothes or armor, bones for weapons, and the meat and organs for food."

"You guys eat dragons?" Astrid felt her stomach churn.

Luna chuckled again, "You'll get use to it after a while. But, uh, before we do eat it we'll give thanks to the dragon for it's bravery, assistance, and wisdom. I...think I've heard of a group of people far, far west that do the same thing. Not sure who said that, but, we liked it so we adapted it to our culture."

"No offence," Astrid looked away then back at Luna, "But your culture sounds very odd."

"Thanks," Luna smiled, "It's good be odd. Normal is to boring."

The girls laughed at the comment; as true as it was. Then the laughter died down and the weight of the situation they were in came back. "What now?" Astrid asked after a few silent seconds.

To answer her question the door swung open the light flooded in; making the girls squint their eyes. A man stepped in; his clothes were worn and his short beard was tangled. "Iubitorii de Dragon!" he roared, "Vă va fi încercat ca prietenii să foc de respiraţie de moarte!" {Dragon lovers! You will be tried for being friends with the fire-breathing spawns of death!}

"Domnule!" Luna spoke in his language, "Vă înţeleg greşit! Am venit nu să te atace. Am crezut că tu și oamenii tăi s-au rănit. Nimeni nu pesti care departe în mare." {Sir! You misunderstand! We come not to attack you. We thought that you and your men were hurt. Nobody fishes that far out at sea.}

"Minciuni!" the man stomped his feet, "Dragonii sunt nimic altceva decât monştri! Acestea ataca satul nostru şi fura peşte nostru! Abia putem stoca alimente fără a le arde clădirile noastre la sol!" {Lies! Dragons are nothing but monsters! They attack our village and steal our fish! We can barely store our food without them burning our buildings to the ground!}

"Ei trebuie să fie un motiv pentru care fac ei," Luna tried to reason with him, "Poate-" {They're must be a reason they do that. Maybe-}

"Suficient!" the man spun around; tired of Luna's plea; and slammed the door behind him. { Enough!}

"How did it go?" Astrid asked.

Luna sighed, "Not good...I hope that Bertil got to Hiccup and my dad. We ma need them."

I'm posting this on Sunday instead of Tuesday b/c of my internet problem. I don't know if the technician that is going to come will be able to fix it so I'd rather be safe than sorry.

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