Three Arrivals

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A/N: I think we've reached the end of this book! I'm not entirely sure; I may come back to it in the future for the odd part, but I've written THIRTY FOUR chapters about these two (in the previous book and this one) and honestly? I don't know how much further I can take it.


I have a new Joel FanFic (called 'Trembling Angel' if you were interested) ready to be published whenever, so don't worry! You'll get your daily dose of Joel! (If I can be bothered). And I'll make sure to let you all know when that comes out ^ . ^

Lastly, I would like to thank all of you lovely lovely people for reading and commenting, reading the comments really makes my day, and I hope you will all join me on the next book :3

Lots of hugs,

Sam xx

Third Person

"Mr Dommett, you're awake," the doctor observes Joel who is sat up in his hospital bed, crisp white gown loose around his shoulders. "The operation went well-"

"Where's my fiancée? Calla Thomas?" Joel is flustered, he's only just awoken from the drugs used to knock him out and is feeling very lightheaded and woozy, a feeling he is only used to when he gets absolutely plastered.

The doctor sighs and places down his clipboard, "Miss Thomas is in the delivery room."

Joel is confused, sitting upright which causes a sharp pain in his right side. "What? Why?"

"Mr Dommett, your fiancée is giving birth."

Being careful not to bust his stitches, Joel pulls himself out of the bed, grimacing at the pain, "She's early- one month early-" he mutters, feeling very anxious and pained.

"Mr Dommett, I would recommend staying-"

Joel stands directly ahead of the doctor, jaw clenched and knuckles white, "Take me to her. Please." He pleads, eyes red and watering.

The doctor shakes his head. "Not until I've found you a wheelchair."

Joel waits patiently, tapping his left foot against the tiled floor due to his nerves. One month early and twins. Is Calla alright? How long has she been in labour? Will she need a cesarean section?

He tugs at his gown and the tubes going into his veins absentmindedly, imagining the amount of pain his partner is going through currently. He shudders. I should be there. I need to be there.

The doctor returns quickly, wheeling a wheel chair towards the nervous man who sits in it begrudgingly. He hates needing help, always has done, but right now he really has to have it.

He rolls past many patients strolling around the wards, their drip stands trailing behind them despondently with every step they take.

He watches people being wheeled in on stretchers, bleeding and screaming.

He watches visitors reunite with their loved ones.

But what he really wants to see is his fiancée.

"Just in here Mr Dommett, now I'll need to check if you're allowed in-"

Joel jumps up from the chair, stitches pulling at his skin sharply as he barges into the room, the doctor calling his name angrily.

"Joel?" Calla winces, eyes streaming, as the midwife hands her a little baby boy, tiny, smaller than expected.

"I missed it." Joel mutters, limping to Calla's side as she strokes her new born's duckling fluff hair. "I'm so sorry-"

"Don't be silly," Calla whispers, two babies in her thin arms. Two beautiful boys.

"You're amazing." Joel gushes, leaning over to tuck the babies into their blankets. "Absolutely amazing."

Calla blushes and reaches up limply to kiss his scratchy cheek, a smile forming on her face. "You look pale." She chuckles, rocking both of her children in her arms to settle them.

"Not as pale as you." Joel grins, forgetting all about the pain he was in only a few moments ago.

"Would you like to hold-" Calla pauses abruptly, causing Joel to frown.


Calla screws up her face and winces, the midwife quickly taking both children from her and handing them to her colleague.

"Miss Thomas-" the midwife is cut off by Calla, who yells out in pain.

Joel stands back, panicking.

"It's alright Mr Dommett," the midwife smiles reassuringly. "There's another one coming."

"Another one?!" Calla screams, beetroot purple in colour, blonde hair sticking to her face with sticky pale sweat.

"Miss Thomas," the midwife prepares herself to deliver another baby, "you're having triplets."


*Calla's POV*

Joel cradles our tiny daughter in his stiff arms, an adorable smile on his face as our two little boys stir in my hands.

"Bloody triplets." He mutters, shaking his head. "Who would've guessed."

I weakly laugh, hugging my boys close to my chest.

"Little Fleur Dommett." Joel whispers into our daughter's hair. "That's got a nice ring to it."

I'm glad I thought of that name, it's beautiful.

"And as for our two boys," Joel gently places Fleur into her plastic crib. "what names were you thinking?"

He crouches down next to me and kisses my forehead lightly.

"Arthur for definite." I state, nuzzling the smallest boy in my right arm.

"And what about this little one?" Joel steals the larger of the two from my arms and cradles him.

"Something ending in 'en' like Warren," Joel grimaces at my suggestion, "or Aiden-"

Joel shakes his head, "How about Soren?"


"Soren Dommett and Arthur Dommett." Joel grins.

I nod, "I like that." I say it with such happiness, a feeling I haven't felt quite as extreme as this in a while.

"You look knackered." Joel stands up and places all three of our beautiful babies into their respective beds. "Get some sleep." He rests his head against my chest, head rising and falling with every breath I take. He's still wearing his hospital gown, and we're matching. Couple goals, am I right?

"I want to watch them - just to make sure they're safe." But my eyes are going all droopy and tired and breaths getting shorter by the second. I need to sleep.

Joel chuckles and I can feel the sound vibrating through my torso. "They're in the safest possible place Calla, now, rest your head." He re-stacks his spine like a plastic toy and nuzzles my hair before taking his spot in the armchair beside me, watching over me as I quickly doze off to sleep, feeling exhausted and weak, but happier than ever.

I faintly hear him whisper, "I love you." From the blacked chair a metre or so away, and I can feel myself grinning. Grinning like an absolute idiot who is so horrifically in love.

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