Chapter 12

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I present to ya cookies ...

Wait !

I have an announcement to make !!

Important !!

So I have read your comments and I have( not in the recent ones )noticed in one chapter their are a few people fighting ... More like argument if you will ..

And so it has to my attention that if ya are confused just message me and I will respond !!! Like ... Hello !!

I'm on here at least 5 times a day !!!

So if you have a question and or a problem ...

Mama of cookies is here to the rescue !!

I just really don't want ANY fights so please .... Just ask me and you can be blunt as possible because I am 2 also very blunt person ...

Now that we have that down pat ...

I present to you

Chapter 12

He stared at me for a while before looking down at the table and intertwining his fingers . He took one deep sigh after another, making me slightly inpatient , before he grabbed my hand and dragged me to the living room .

I was stunned by the sudden movement but if this is how he is going to come out with it , than this is going to have to be acceptable .

We sat down next to each other as the uneasy silence made me spectacle of the note even more . It was so un comforting to talk about a letter that had the word 'kill' sticking out which certainly made him and I looked at each other in worry .

"I got that note the day I hired you .I got it right that night before our business trip and of course I was worried but didn't pay much mind to it.

Then I got another note that said 'washing ' and it didn't make sense . To me , at all . Now that I think about it ... Your uncle is Mr.Washing . So is that your last name ?"

I nodded in agreement. Even though it's not anymore, I internally smiled at that.

"I didn't get so I continued to ignore it until I got another note that had your name on it , that was yesterday . That's why I went to your uncles gathering . I wanted to make sure you were alright . Then I saw you cry but thankfully , I wasn't because of that. "

He looked at me waiting for me to correct him .

"It wasn't because of that . I didn't even know about that . " I sighed remembering the real reason . " I found out my uncle has cancer. That's why I cried. He had it before but it was temporary healed but it's gotten out of control now ... So . He' ll leave me soon . Like the rest ."

He places his hand on my arm before wrapping me into a gentle hug . " I won't leave you ."

I made sad smile made its way up my face . " I know ." I let the moment sink in for a bit before the thoughts of him dying started to make its way in . My smile left as sadness filled my pale face .

But you will . Eventually .

"So ." I said thinking about the note still and trying to get te thought if him dying out of my brain ."How are we going to deal with this ?"

He placed his head on mines as we kept our tangled bodies together . "I don't Know ." He fingered combed his hair."I honestly don't know ."

That's when I heard the seriousness in his voice and took a glance at him to have a face in compare .

I grabbed his face ." Look at me ." He did ." Well get around this . I hope . But seriously . How bad can things get for us?"

He took my hands off his face and got up . "That's what worries me most ." He started to pace back and forth ." I don't know what could happen." Making an emphases on the could ."And all the stuff that has happen before ? How can we not notice how much bad things are happening between us."

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