Chapter 24

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I couldn't wait to update so ...

Take a deep breath -in and out- and commence with the story.

You'll need it.

Chapter 24

This way beyond me how this could happen. How could this happen? We were doing fine but to have this happen to us ? You could probably say was expected. I just didn't think they come to our house and do it.

"Trent !" I cried.

I ran to his limp body that was laying on the floor and cupped him in my arms. He was bruised everywhere and had blood coming out of his mouth, nose but worse of all -his chest.

I let the tears flood out not really caring anymore,

"Trent." I placed my head in his and he looked at me trying to stay concentrated." Please. Please don't leave me."

He was stabbed with a knife, I concluded. I turned to see my surroundings and saw that there was indeed a knife on the floor ,filled with blood.

"Abby." Trent said his voice coming out soft and painful. "I love you."

"I love you too but stay with me." I cried."I can lose you. I've lost everything. I can't."

I gave him a gentle kiss and I placed him carefully on the floor . I got up and went to get the phone to get and ambulance . As I had my hand of the floor I remember that Rex might still be here.

He dialed him instead thinking he might be a quicker way to the hospital.

"Abigail Washings." A familiar voice said.

I swiftly turned around and saw the same man I saw when I found out Trent's plan, Luke's brother . He held the same knife I saw on the floor besides Trent with blood and all. It was dripping on his hands and besides the fact he already had blood in his shirt , he was a literal bloody mess.

It was a disgusting sight,

I Gritted my teeth in anger."What Do you want ?"

He smiled and this time I realized he was alone ,his buddies weren't here to back him up ."What I always have wanted." He smiled slyly." Your death."

To say I beyond scared was an understatement. I was ready to poo my pants. Only he couldn't know that so I kept my gaze firm and didn't show the slightest bit of my emotions. " Why ?" I asked simply.

He laughed in a fake tone ." You killed my brother!"

"He killed himself ! I put him behind bars and the judge gave him the penalty death ! He killed a lot of people ! "

He moved forward." He was my brother and you killed him . You put him on trial you did everything ! You killed him ! And now ..." He took the knife he had and admired it ." I'm going to let you know how it feels to die ."

I ran .

I ran the opposite direction and looked for a weapon but before I could I was push down to the floor. I placed my hand on my stomach. He pushed me by the stomach.

My kids.

"Now ." He bent down to one knee and put the knife against my neck . " I hope you enjoy the pain."

He rose the knife a little and that's when he was knocked off his feet.

"Not if I allow it ." Rex said ." Abby get up !"

I got up quickly and ran behind Rex feeling a bit better that I had him by my side. I guess he got the call.

"Stay away ." Rex said before heading towards Luke's brother and beating him till his eyes were both swollen shut.

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