Chapie 4

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I stood in front of the door with Trent by my side.

Im afraid.

I know what your thinking . I'm exaggerating . But no . I am not . Me an Trent alone is like- I don't know . It's like putting a cat and a mouse together. Things won't turn out good. It's more likely to end up into a bloody mess .

"Uh....." Was all I said as I kept staring at the door.

"You have key you know. Open it ." He ordered . I rummaged through my pocket and finally felt it . The key card that the lady gave me . I took it out. I slid it through the scanner and tried my best to calm myself down as the red light turned green .Trent opened it .

He walked in casually as I stood behind him by not to many steps . He settled down his stuff on the couch that the coffee table stood near at. I closed the door slowly and didn't lock it . I was literally prepared to run.

"I'll take a shower first." He stated before disappearing into a room which seemed to be the bathroom.

I quickly settled my stuff and headed towards the phone. I checked the numbers that were placed in to he side for emergencies at their it was, the lobby number. I quickly dialed up beiges hearing a faint " hello".

"Uh.... I was just wondering is their still no more rooms available?" I asked a little to rushed. I wanted to leave this room now . Not later but NOW.

"Oh . Your the lady from before with the tall gentlemen." She sighed ."The response to your question. No- no more rooms available. Just enjoy yourself . You probably won't get any sleep anyways." she hung up.

She was right i wouldn't get any sleep. It wasn't the sexual way but more like I won't be able so be comfortable with the fact that I'm in the same room as the guy I tried to hate and the guy that very much hates me back for a reason that I made him to.

I put the phone back in frustration. I guess tonight I will not get any sleep.


"What are you doing ?" Trent asked as I put pillows in the center of the bed.

"I'm making a barrier." I said ." I don't want any physical contact with you."


"Don't worry. Besides you probably had enough with your whores."

I gasp at his response. "What ?!" I said furious.

"I don't need to repeat myself. " he said getting unit bed."I don't want something that has been so overly used."

I sat their angry and hurt. He think I'm a whore. Wow. Saying that to a girl who is still a freaking virgin at 24 not the best thing that comes to mind.

I was going to rip his head off and curse at him for being an ass but I couldn't. I know its a lie and I know why he said it. It's only a matter of time before one day he finds out the truth.

I lied down in the bed as tears brimmed my eyes. I turn off the light before I said good night.

I heard a faint response before i knocked out .


"Listen Abby. You are to tell trent to come your house tonight for his birthday. When he walks in I wanted you to kiss me or at least look like you were somehow want me in a sexual way , okay?" Luke said.

"No ." I said firmly. As soon as those words came out I regretted them.

He grimaced." Now you wouldn't want to be the cause of his death would you." He said. He got off my couch and came walking towards me. I stood paralyzed at his menacing look made me panic.

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