one // hell

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"you have the prettiest eyes, jaebum hyung," youngjae sighed as his head rested on the elder's naked chest.

jaebum was stroking youngjae's hair in silence, peering through his thick lashes with hooded, sultry eyes.

jaebum didn't reply to youngjae.

he never did.

he was a man of very few words, and maybe that was why he came off as distant and mysterious.

youngjae didn't mind jaebum's lack of emotion, or at least he told himself that.

youngjae didn't mind that jaebum only stayed for a few minutes after they made love.

youngjae didn't mind that jaebum was so numbingly cold one second and burning hot the next.

jaebum stirred and youngjae lifted his head, feeling his heart sink a bit in his chest.

all he could do was watch, as jaebum pulled on his clothes and threw on his jacket.

the door of his bedroom slammed shut, and youngjae felt a lump in his throat.

he didn't even say bye.

* * *

edit ; myself
dua lipa ; hotter than hell

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