five // affection

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youngjae wanted to die.

he just wanted to curl into ball and disappear forever, because at least that way seeing jinyoung and jaebum cuddling wouldn't hurt so much.

jaebum smiled down at jinyoung's handsome face, eyes sparkling with what youngjae could only interpret as love. jaebum never looked at youngjae with such interest or sheer admiration.

every now and then, jaebum would tilt his head and nod, lips turned up in a smile and eyes crinkling at the sides as he listened to whatever jinyoung was saying.

youngjae tried not to be bitter towards jinyoung, but he had had coffee for breakfast. he had an excuse for his hostile thoughts.

jinyoung was a pretty boy. he was charming and charismatic and lovable; everything youngjae wanted to be, and more.

perhaps youngjae was never put on this earth to be happy, only to be punished. Mrs choi always said that if you were a criminal in your past life you would be subjected to a lot of pain and suffering to make up for your sins.

jaebum didn't glance youngjae's way even once. all of his concentration was solely on jinyoung's laughing face and perfect teeth and soft hair and-- youngjae slapped his cleaning rag onto the counter and tore at his own hair.

after a few minutes of contemplation, youngjae pulled off his apron and went to the back of the shop to get changed. there were plenty of other workers at the shop and very few customers so youngjae doubted he would be missed.

he picked up his phone and sent a quick message to jackson.

jackson hyung, can you pick me up from the shop please?
I need to take my mind off things
[seen at 2:34pm]

* * *

I'm such a liar I said I wouldn't update
but writing this makes me want to die a little
less even though it's so sad

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