three // stone

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youngjae's eyes were swollen the next morning from a crying all night. he couldn't fathom why jaebum had snapped in such a way.

jaebum was emotionally detached from practically everyone except for his cat, nora. youngjae felt his head throb as he brushed his teeth, staring at his blotchy, uneven skin in the bathroom mirror.

youngjae knew jaebum didn't treat him right, but the longing in his heart for jaebum to just appreciate him undermined all other feelings he had.

youngjae's head ached almost as much as his heart did. almost.

jaebum would never love him back and he knew he was pathetic for allowing himself to be played with like a discarded toy, but he couldn't help himself.

choi youngjae was completely, irrevocably in love with im jaebum, who didn't even give enough sh*ts to care about himself, let alone another human.

jaebum didn't have a heart; he had a f*cking piece of rock lodged in his chest. stone cold, that was what he was.

stone f*cking cold.

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