The Crash

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"The planes ready," murmurs Lexie. Her and Mark had been weird lately. She still loved him. But he had moved on. He had dated countless other girls. If only for a day. She had continued with work. She tried to get closer to her sister. It worked. She was happy for Derek and Meredeth. They won over Zola. They were parents.
Lexie and the rest of the crew were going to receive a patient. It was a wonderful chance. Meredith and her exchanged glances saying just hold on. The we're squeezing in the small doorway of the plane. Once inside she let out a gasp. The seats were velvety. The cabinets looked like they were shined constantly. The windows loomed like she never had been touched.
"Nic, huh?" Mark nudged her shoulder. "Pick a seat." Lexie walked to the third row and sat in the window seat by the wing. Mark sat across the aisle. The plane rose off the ground. Once in the air she grabbed a magazine on new surgeries performed. She glanced out the window. The view was spectacular. She could see the soft pillow clouds. It was however dark out. The plane shook. It was probably turbulance. Nothing at all. She settled into her seat and flipped to a page revealing a surgery performed by award winning Preston Burke.
The plane jostled. Something was not right. The plane soon took a nose dive. All of a sudden her side of the plane jerked off. She went flying into the air
"Aaaahhhhh!" Lexie screamed as she flew toward the ground. She hit with hard impact. She couldn't move. A part of the wing was falling toward her. She moaned. She blacked out.
Meanwhile, the plane rushed toward the ground. Mark was safely strapped in. He was taking deep breaths. Lexie had just flown out the window. Derek was sucked out. Meredith, him, and Cristina were in there seats. Arizona had gone to the barhroom. They were near impact. Arizona came out and was sucked into the air. They crushed into the earth.
Meredith had walked out and was crying. More like sobbing. He got up from his seat. He disheveled from the impact. He walked over to the opening and hopped out. Meredith was in no good condition. She had realized Derek was missing. He then realized the love of his life had been flung out the side of the plane.
"LEXIE!" He didn't realize that he was screaming with the ringing in his ears.
"Derek," squeaked Meredith. Her voice was hoarse. Mark and Meredith started a search while yelling there lovers names. They hobbled through the forest thanks to the crash. In the distance Mark caught sight of smoke. He pointed it out to Meredith and started at a full run.
The leaves crunched under his gym shoes. He had to find Lexie. He loved her. The worst thing he ever did was leave her. Up ahead he saw a part of the plane. There was blood on the side. He raced to it.
" LEXIE!" He yelled as he approached the mountainous plane piece. It curved slightly around the middle. Underneath the plane piece lay Lexie. Her thighs were gorging blood profusely. The sticky crimson surrounded her. She was going pale. "I'll get supplies. I will be right back. Stay with me Lexie."
He raced back to the main plane piece. He rummaged through the cabinets and grabbed bandages. He went to the food storage to grab a bottle of juice. He wanted to get her less woozy. He got rubbing alcohol as well. He jogged to the site of the smaller plane piece. Meredith was crouched down next to Lexie. Meredith was pale.
"Help me," he urged Meredith. She took the rubbing alcohol and doused her legs. She ripped off part of her jacket and wiped away dirt and dried blood. She applied bandages around were the blood was coming from. "Lexie, hang on. Meredith, help me lift the plane." They both made an attempt. It was close. They needed a little more help."Find Cristina. "
Meredith came back after what seemed like forever. Cristina helped them lift the plane and push it over. Lexie's legs gushed blood. There were pools around her. Her face paled and she passed out, probably from pain. Mark rushed to her side and applied bandage after bandage to stop the bleeding.
Eventually, the blood stopped oozing out. Meredith had earlier left to find Derek.
Meanwhile, Derek had land far away from the plane. He was in the middle of nowhere. He heard a noise. A russle in the bushes. A large, bulking creature pounced out of the bushes.
A bear.
Lexies eyes fluttered open. The sun shone brightly in her eyes. She blinked a few times before adjusting. Mark leaned over her.
"Drink this," he coaxed. "It will make you feel better." He tilted the glass jar of apple juice to her lips. Her lips softly grazed the bottles rim as the sweet warm liquid entered her mouth. Her throat felt automatic relief.
"Are you feeling okay?" Mark questioned. His sparkly eyes glistened in the sunlight.
"Ya," Lexie said. Her throat throbbed.
"A helicopter is on its way," he reassured.
Meanwhile, Arizona lay bleeding out in the middle of the woods. She had previously screamed for help. The life slowly drained out of her. She had been holding on. There was no hope anymore. She lay dying on the forest floor.
No hope.
The helicopter landed briskly, next to Mark and Lexie. One of the attendees got off to stay with the others who survived. Meredith was a mess. Derek was killed in a bear attack. Arizona wasn't found yet.
The next helicopter would be for who was left. Mark got on first, sliding into the furthest seat. Lexie was pushed onto a bed. They were headed to the hospital. They inserted an IV in Lexie giving her medication. Marks lips gently grazed over Lexies. If they lived he would love her till the end. They were being taken to safety.
They were going home.

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