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   Lexie preped the patient for surgery. She two hours till she left and wanted to get in on the heart transplant. She had to finish a list of things. One was getting this patient to an OR. She gave the scruffy middle aged man off to Callie who looked depressed as usual. Ever since she found out Arizona died she fell into a deep depression. It was a surprise she woke up each morning and came to work.
   Lexie then went to fill out charts. She didn't need to look in other charts for information because she remembered everything. She filled out five charts and then delivered them. As she walked she could feel one of the babies kick. She smiled. It had been exactly six months since she found out that she was pregnant.
   She approached Mark who, by luck, needed a chart. She handed it over and returned to the pitt. Owen Hunt gave her the okay to step in on the heart transplant. However Owen said that her last shift would be Friday. Only two days away.
   Lexie put on her scrubs and entered the sterile environment. She was very tired. She hadn't had any caffeine because of the baby diet. It seemed she was always tired. She never had coffee or alcohol. The incision was made across the chest. A thin layer of blood oozed out. She felt sick. They then widened the incision. She felt like she would throw up.
   "Dr. Grey, please exit the OR." The intercom spoke. She hussled out and threw up in the trash can. Dr. Hunt walked in. "Are you okay. I think I am going to shorten your hours. Your leave starts now. No exceptions."
   Lexie walked out the door to the lounge. She slipped off her scrubs and slowly pulled on a skin tight stretch shirt and yoga pants. Nothing fit her any more. She gathered any other supplies and headed to her small Jeep. She put the keys in the ignition and drove to Marks house.
   Lately they had been staying at Marks. She had a feeling it would stay that way. She positioned herself on the couch. She wasn't planning on going anywhere. She flipped through the channels landing on a cooking show.
   Mark jumped her awake. Her eyes soon adjusted to the light and relaxed when she saw it was Mark. He was holding a bag. It was a burger from Joe's. 
   " I thought you might be hungry. You had a long day. I'm sorry to hear that your done with work," he casually spoke as he unpacked the bag.
                        Three Months Later
   Mark had taken off work to keep Lexie company. Lexie started experiencing pain. She got up to go to the kitchen. She was starving. Mark got up to help her. They had previously been playing cards. He took her arm gently and guided her. Once in the kitchen her water broke. He took a hint.
   " We need to get you to a hospital," he urged.
   "Aaaaaaahhhhhhh! " Lexie screamed in agony. Soon the pain passed. Mark swooped her into his arms and walked down the hall. He got in the elevator and gently set her down. Even though he was pretty strong she was still heavy. "Aaaahhhhh! " Lexie screamed again. The contractions were only a couple minutes apart and we're becoming longer. Once the elevator doors opened he swooped her up and took her to his SUV. He set her in the seat and texted Meredith to set up a room. He pushed the keys into ignition and started to drive. She kept screaming when she had contractions. Once they arrived at the hospital the contractions were seconds apart.
   Meredith was ready and took them into a delivery room. Lexie was quickly undressed and dressed in a surgical gown. Meredith brought in a deliverer and hooked up the monitors.
   "On the count of three I need you to push," said the doctor. "One, two, THREE." Lexie screamed in agony. The first baby was delivered. "Just a little more. One, two, THREE." The second baby was delivered. "Your done." Lexie relaxed breathing hard. Mark hugged her carefully. He kissed her forhead and thought of how she had no medication. The doctor came back in with the two babies one wrapped in blue and the other pink.
   " Congratulations. You have a boy... and a girl." Mark wandered over to the babies." Would you like to hold them Lexie?" Lexie nodded her head. The woman walked over and handed the babies over. " What are there names?"
  "Lia and Travis." Lexie replied simply. She had put a lot of thought into this moment. Mark soon scooped Travis out of Lexies arm and held him up.
   "He has my nose," Mark joked. Although Travis had Mark's beautiful eyes. Lexie cradled Lia in her arms. Lia's eyes sparkled in the light. Her eyes drooped.
   A couple hours later the doctor took Lia and Travis and laid them in a bed alongside Lexie and Mark.
   Meredith walked in and a huge smile spread across her face. Meredith and Lexie talked until Lexie fell asleep.
   Meredith creeper out of the room to let her sleep in peace as Mark strolled back to the room. At hand he had two medium sized cups of coffee and two slices of pizza. He squeezed through the door. Lexies eyelids fluttered open and a smile spread across her face. He handed her a coffee cup and piece of pizza. She gratefully ate the piece and gulped down the coffee.  It had been so long since she had caffeine.
   She reached over and kissed Mark. She loved him so much. They both slowly fell asleep. In the morning she woke up and Mark wasn't there. She started freaking out when the door slid open. Meredith walked in.
   "Mark went to get you two breakfast,"she explained. They chatted until Mark got back. He was carrying two breakfast burritos and more coffee. He handed her a burrito and a cup of coffee.
   "Let's eat," he smiled.

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