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Falling in love with my best friend's bully


"That jerk!" Cream slammed her gym locker shut and stomped. Rouge laughed at her and opened her locker, only to find a note not unlike Cream's

"I will get my revenge...bashdjfkdj" Rouge muttered the last bit. "What was that?" Cream giggled. Rouge huffed, "I will get my revenge...bastard." Cream and Blaze both laughed while Amy silently thought on who would send such awful notes.

"Hey Amy's lucky! She didn't get one!" Cream said. Amy shook her head, "I did. It says: trust and believe you will pay hot shot. Signed SMH. Who's that?" Amy looked up puzzled. Cream and Blaze shrugged.

"It was definitely a guy..." blaze said as
She walked around. Cream gasped.

"It's that new guy!" Cream snapped her fingers. "Sonic, something, hedgehog! But why would he do this?" She stopped and fixed her hair in the mirror. Rouge shrugged while applying more lipstick.

"Hey guys," Sally walked in. Immediately Cream ran to her. "Is your friend sending us hate letters?" Sally cocked an eyebrow, "what you mean?"

"Rouge got called a bastard, and I was called a whiner. And the initials are SMH." Cream said. Sally shrugged. "He never said anything to me about sending hate letters." She walked to the locker she shared with Amy. Amy was still puzzling over the idea that the hot new guy hated her. Nobody hates her.

"Hey Amy, what's wrong?" Sally asked. Amy shook her head and walked out.

"Hello Amy." A certain blue hedgehog slid into line behind her. Amy only glared at him and turned away.

"Anything interesting happen today?" He asked. Amy smiled sweetly and faced him. "Actually, yes. Word must travel fast, because I never mentioned it, and neither did Cream or Rouge." Guilt showed itself clearly on Sonic's face, but he covered it up quickly.

"Why do you hate Sally?" He asked. Amy turned around confused. "I don't." She said. Sonic cocked his head, "but Sally said you've been picking on her." Amy shook her head, "nope, as far as I know, we're still on good terms. We share a gym locker and go to parties every Friday." Sonic stared at her in shock. Something wasn't right.

Shadow: that's it?

Me: well yeah.

Sonic: pathetic

Me: what??

Silver: leave her alone, her parents are divorcing let her be!


Sorry guys for the short chapter I'm kind of going through a hard time so it might be a while before I update again. Also, I said in my other book that I need five votes to publish the next chapter so if you could go read it that would be great

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2017 ⏰

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