Chapter 4: All's Fair in Love & War

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Told from Ella's POV

"Look at it! Just look at it!"

"Ella, it doesn't look too ba-"

"It does though! It looks horrible, ugh, how could that bitch Sophia do this to me? It's hurts a lot too," I winced. How dare she? Does Sophia even realize what she did? She hit the most popular, and prettiest, girl in Camelot High! She also ruined my make-up!

Oh boy, I'm going to make her pay...

In cash. I'm asking my daddy to sue her ass.

"I can't believe that a little punch in the jaw had you on the ground, seriously though."

"It wasn't just 'a little' punch, Camryn, that little rat can really pack-a-punch." I responded irritably. As much as I hate to say it, Sophia really knows how to throw one hell of a punch.

Camryn rolled her eyes, crossing her arms. I swear, Camryn is never there for me in my time of need. 

"Stop rolling your eyes! What happened to me is serious! I could've died!" I said indignantly, only to be greeted with another pair of rolling eyes from her.

"The fact that Danny didn't even try to help me, stings. All he did was stand there, practically towering over me!" I continued, "I bet Sophia has influenced him, in a bad way... Ugh!"

I walked over to the sink of the girls' bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror.

"My poor jaw, it's still bleeding," I grabbed a few paper towels in a failed attempt to stop it, pressing the paper against the inside of my cheek. I glanced at the clock on the wall, it was only around 1:45 so I still had about another hour of school. Damn it.

"I can't take this anymore, I'm calling my dad to pick me up." I snarled, while taking out my phone. Camryn obviously didn't hear me, she was too interested in checking her make-up in the mirror next to me.

What a friend.

"Dad, it's me. Can you please come pick me up early? It's an emergency! I am literally, like, bleeding to death...Uh-huh...Okay....Kay, hurry up then! Bye!" I responded, "I'm going home early, okay Camryn?"

"I know, you literally told me a few seconds ago." Camryn replied with a hint of sass in her voice.

I raised an eyebrow at her, "I didn't think you were paying any attention, you seemed busy with your shitty makeup."


I ignored her last comment and thought about what I needed to do next. I was not going to let Sophia off the hook for what she did, it was totally out of line.

The bell rang for our next period. "Camryn let's go," I said. We walked out the bathroom and head towards our class. I ended up losing myself to my own thoughts, thinking of how I can avenge Sophia. 

"O-M-G! I just got a perfect idea of what you should do!" Camryn yelped all of a sudden, making me jump.

"What?!" I demanded. She pointed to a poster on the wall. It was for the school's annual, "Summer Kick-Off Dance." 

Every year, Camelot High had a huge end of the year dance to celebrate summer, It was amazing and all but I still didn't understand Camryn's idea.

"I don't get it, what's the plan?"

Camryn sighed, "Do I have to spell it out for ya?"

"Just tell me!" 

"Okay, so what is the school dances' theme every year?"

"A beach"

"And what does a beach have?"


Camryn face-palmed, "No, well I mean yes, but what else does it have?"


"Exactly! Now, if you can threaten those janitors, and somehow make a whole bunch of sand fall on Sophia at the da-" 

"No. That's immature and childish." I scolded her, "We need to think of something big, something that will ruin her reputation..."

Camryn rolled her eyes, again. Probably all she does. 

We sat down in our seats, waited for everyone to settle down, and it hit me!

"Camryn! I got an idea, it just hit me!" I said to her, frantically.

"Like Sophia's hand?" She smirked.

I felt myself blush, before glaring at her. 

"Shut up. Anyways, we're going to take a candid photo of Danny and Sophia. We'll take the pic in a way where it'll look like Danny was the one abusing Sophia! It'll look like he was the one who gave her the cuts and the bruises!" I remarked happily, I am an actual genius. "Then, during the dance, I'll say I have an announcement and I'll have those drama kids who run the dance project  the pic onto the stage and everyone will see it! A bit complicated, but I don't have a problem with it."

"I thought you said that you don't want people to hate on Danny? He's going to be beaten to a pulp if you do that." Camryn said, raising an eyebrow.

"Duh! That's part of my plan. When he comes crying to me after being beaten up, he'll beg for me to reveal that the picture was fake...Which I will do, but only after he goes on a date with me." I responded.

Camryn had a confused expression on her, "So, you're pretty much going to make a deal with him? A date in exchange for revealing that the pic was fake? Seems kinda harsh to force someone on a date with you..."

"Well, all's fair in love and war!" I replied, grinning.

"What does that even mean?" 

"It means that I can do whatever I need to do, whether if it's good or bad, if it means achieving my goal. Right now, my goal is having Danny, and who knows? Maybe on the date, he'll realize I'm his true love!" I said.

"Seems kinda far-fetched."

"Oh shut up." I snapped at Camryn, my mood changing to absolute annoyance.

After what felt like forever, the class phone rang, and it was my dad calling to pick me up. I packed up, and left rather quickly.

I still felt giddy about the plan I came up with! I am so excited to pull it off, can't wait for Sophia and Danny's reaction!

I walked out of the school almost bouncing up and down with joy.

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