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After paying I stepped out of that taxi and on to the busy New York sidewalk. Taking a deep breath I looked up at the looming building before me. Avengers Tower, home to the saviors of the world, home to my new client.
Tightening the grip on my bag I walked toward the revolving doors. I stopped in the middle of the empty well lit lobby. "Hello, Dr. Green. My name is FRIDAY" I gasped slightly at how close the voice sounded. My father had told me about Starks love for AI's, he had left out the part about the voice being so creepily human. "Hello FRIDAY" always be polite "Please. Call me Dr. Ivy,  Dr. Green is my father."  "Of course Dr. Mr. Stark and Captain Rogers are waiting for you on the 58th floor. The elevator is to your left."
Nodding to show I had understood I walked quickly toward the elevator. Who is to know how long they had been waiting for me, I decided it would be better to not keep them waiting. Once inside I pressed one manicured finger to the blue button with sharp black paint marking it as 58. The elevator rose quickly, classic rock playing softly in the background, I couldn't help to chuckle at the choice of elevator music. When the elevator binged I took a breath to calm my nerves as the sleek black doors slid open. Stepping out into a lounge I scanned my eyes around taking in the setting before me.  Two figures had been across the room from me standing by the floor to ceiling window that spread across the wall stopping when the carpet rose up to hard wood flooring that lead down a hallway to my right. To my left I could see a small kitchenette, one man sitting silently at the island, his head resting in the counter. At the sound of the doors opening the two men by the window had turned to face me. I had recognized them immediately, Tony Stark and Sam Wilson. The third character, I assumed was Captain Steve Rogers made no movement at my arrival.
"Dr. Green I'm guessing?" Questioned the billionaire, extending my hand and a smile I corrected him. "Dr. Ivy please. Dr. Green was my dad, though I understand that our fathers worked together." He nodded in agreement as he shook my hand. "Your fathers name was in a few of my dads old files. When I found that his daughter had followed his footsteps I thought I would keep the pattern." He cleaned his throat before stepping back to gesture to Sam. "I understand you have a brief history with Sam." I sent my old patient a small smile "How are you Sam?" "I'm fine doc, thanks." I knew how this boy worked, he wouldn't tell me his problems if I asked. He would come to me when he needed help. "And I'm sure you're familiar with Rogers over there." At some point during the brief conversation between Stark, Wilson, and I, I had noticed the Captain make his way over so that he was leaning on a pillar just short of a yard away. "Doctor." He said in acknowledgment, I returned with a small smile and a nod. Clearing my throat I turned back to Stark "So Mr. Stark, should we get down to the specifics? About why I am here?" My words seemed to send a jolt through him as he snapped up and began walking toward the couches. "Yes. Yes. Right this way Doctor, please sit." He gestured to a dark green recliner while he sat across from me in a love seat to match. I noticed Sam walk towards Steve, whisper in his ear before waking out. The latter remained standing but moved so he was against the wall adjacent to Tony. "We need your help." Tony stared bluntly, I remained quiet knowing that he would give me all the information I needed. "I'm sure you know who the Winter Soldier is?" I nodded, ignoring the stinging I felt in my heart at the memories that resurfaced with that name. "Well I owe it to Steve and to Barnes, actually to the whole team, we all need help." Before he could finish Steve spoke up "I saw the look on your face when Tony said that name. Let me guess you lost someone?" He waited for me to nodded, to confirm his theory, and when I did he winced. "Look-" he sighed and tried again. "It wasn't his fault. He was brainwashed and he feels terrible about it. If you gave him a chan-" I cut him off before he could start to ramble. "Mr. Rogers, I'm a doctor. I took the oath and I meant it. If there is someone who needs help I do my job and I do it right." The two men stared at me with mixed emotions of awe and thankfulness. "Mr. Stark I trust that-" "No no no. Ok I'm sorry for cutting you off but please do not call me Mr. Stark. It makes me feel old. Tony is just fine, or Stark."
"Of course Tony. As I was saying I trust that you and I can set up some sort of schedule? I do have other, non superhero patients." Tony pressed his mouth into a tight line. "I was kind of hoping I could convince you to be here full time. Not move in obviously I'm not going to force you to leave your home but this is and extremely rare and sensitive case." "Mr. Stark. Tony, I will not abandon my other patients. There is no superhero treatment in my line of work." He nodded and sighed. "Ok then. I'm sure we can figure out what to do." He glanced at Steve, who had his gaze fixed on me with an unreadable expression on his face, before continuing. "Would you like to meet your patient?" With a silent nod I followed Tony and Steve back into the elevator. I watched as Steve pressed the button which read 67.
The brief elevator ride was silent but the room we stepped out into was anything but. Rock music blasted from the speakers, so loud I cringed and followed the men's action of covering my ears with my hands. "FRIDAY!" Tony shouted over the music. "Could you turn this off!" As the last words slipped past Tony's mouth the room was plunged into silence.
"Buck?" Steve called, hesitantly stepping forward. "Bucky?" He tried again when he was answered with silence. "я жив" came the gruff reply. I recognized the language but was surprised when I realized I had understood what had been said. "You have a guest ok?" Steve's voice was reassuring and calm but the body language between he and Tony was a stark contrast. His shoulders were tight with nerves and Tony had almost immediately taken a step to put me behind him as soon as the music had shut off. We stood there until another reply came "Who?" "A doctor. Friend of Sam's. Her dad worked with mine, and she's clean." Tony replied. We slowly made our way down the hallway until we came to an open room similar to the one on the common room. Once we made it through the doorway Tony took a half step to the side so that I was visible to the Winter Soldier. The man before me shared no resemblance to the man I had come to known in memory, sans metal arm. "Hello." I said in a calm and welcoming voice, my "doctor" voice. I was met with the blank stare of a broken man so I continued. "My name is Dr. Ivy Green, you can call me Ivy if you'd like."
As I talked to him I notice Steve and Tony begin to back out of the room, giving us privacy. "May I sit?" I asked pointing to the chair closest to me, it put me about three yards from the door way and the Soldier between me and the only exit. He slowly nodded and regarded me with guarded eyes as I made my way across the floor. Once I was seated I looked up and made eye contact with Steve and Tony giving them a silent nod telling them I would be fine. Once alone I turned my attention back to the task before me. Clearing my throat I reached into my bag and pulled out the large red leather bound notebook. As soon as he saw it he erupted in a rage a fury. "You're working with them!" He roared as he jumped off his chair. In seconds he had me pinned to the wall, his cold metal hand around my neck. "Stop! Stop! Please! I'm not working for anyone! I promise!" I gasped and begged as my hands pawed uselessly against his hand, feet kicking to find a place to stand. "Where did you get that notebook!?" He shouted in my face. "How did you get it?! Who are you working for!?" "No one! No one! I got it at Walmart!" Before he had a chance to react there was blur of movement before his hand released me causing my to drop to the floor gasping and coughing. I felt a warm hand come to my back and I looked up to see Sam crouched ahead of me, shielding me from the fight that was being waged feet from were we were. Finally Tony and Steve had managed to get the Soldier, still roaring about me working for someone, confined on the floor. "Buck listen! She's not working for anyone I promise. The notebook is empty." Steve kept trying to reassure his former best friend, who struggled beneath him. Clearing my throat I slowly gathered myself, still sitting on the floor, "If I may?" Tony gave me a nod ahead so I continued "I can show you the notebook. It's a simple book that I use for my patients. I bought this book yesterday and so far nothing is written in it." I slowly grabbed the book and opened up the first cover. Slowly I flipped through the pages showing that it was indeed empty.
I watched as realization settled on his face and he stopped struggling against Steve and Tony, his forehead sinking into the carpeting. After about a minute I motioned to the three men to stand and follow me to the hallway. "Dr. Ivy I and truly sorry about this." Tony started his shoulder hunched in defeat. Steve put a hand on his back and continued. "The triggers that HYDRA used on him as well as a lot of their methods and notes were kept in a red leather bound notebook." I sighed and nodded, my mind already flying ahead with notes that I had gathered from our little exchange. "Well I'd be lying if I said that was the first time I patient attacked me. Recovering vets can sometimes be a threat to themselves and to others. My job is to eliminate that threat from their lives so they can begin leading normal lives." Sam looked at the ground, I could see the wheels turning in his head musing over what I had said and no doubt remembering the long year he worked with me and destroyed two of my lamps and a table. Not that I blamed him for it.

"Do you want to continue?" Steve asked, his voice tentative. "Of course." I replied, swallowing my fears, "I took on this job I intend to finish it." Sam and Steve nodded but Tony looked so deep in thought I wondered if he had heard me. " What if we use FRIDAY to monitor you. No audio. Just visual that way if something happens again we will know." I nodded in agreement then turned back and walked into the room before me. When I stepped in The Soldier had returned to his seat and was fidgeting with his hands. I could feel his eyes on me as I made my way back to the seat I had been in before. A moment of silence stretched between us before I cleared my throat. Once his eyes were on me I started again. "I've already told you my name. Now what would you like me to call you?" Just a moment passed before his answer came spilling out of his mouth, dark and heavy like his voice. "Buchanan." Nodding my head I wrote that at the top of my page. "Ok. Tell me Buchanan. Why that. I know your friend Steve calls you Bucky, the majority of your team calls you Barnes. I've yet to hear someone refer to you as James. Now tell me why you want me to call you  Buchanan." We sat in silence for a minute before his mouth opened again. "The army and Steve's team out there, they called me Barnes. Zola, the evil dick scientist that made me into this, he called me James, until they took my name from me. Buchanan is all I have." His voice rough as stones, managed to carry across the room despite his low volume. "It's all I have." I heard him whisper to himself, I glanced up to see his right hand release the vise like grip he had on the dog tags that hung around his neck. His palm and fingers red and angry.

"Its all I have."

  я жив I'm Alive 

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