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From birth every person born on this, 3047 Earth, is born with a tattoo on their wrist. The tattoo is small, simple, and straight forward. It's a month, day, and year.

Not much to it right? Just a date right?  No. This particular date is the one on which you are meant to die. Mine (me being Addison Quinn) was August 22, 3047. However today is August 23, 3047 and yet here i am, still alive and well. No one knows my date or "Silence" as it is more commonly know as because 1, I have no family to call my own and live in a group home and have for the last seventeen years of my life and 2, its as taboo and intimate as sex or anything of the like. 


Join Addison on her quest to discover herself, new friends, and the reason behind her alleged exception to the rule of the silence.

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