Drama Class

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I took one last look in the mirror examining my face and body. My bright green eyes were outlined in a line of black eyeliner, which looked even darker against my light skin tone. My naturally curly dirty blonde hair cascaded past my shoulders reaching the top of my breasts, over my nirvana crop top. My dark washed skinny jeans fit snugly and tight everywhere.

I sighed grabbing my book bag and heading downstairs into my new kitchen. It had been my second time moving in the last two years and today was my first day of my new school. I threw some waffles into the new toaster and sat on the counter waiting for them to cook. I looked around the brand new kitchen, running my fingers against the granite counter top I was sitting on and staring at the all stainless steel appliances. It was almost annoyingly clean.

I was snapped out of my trance as my mom stomped into the kitchen in her heels and business clothes talking on the phone with one of her clients quickly packing her bag. My mom was an extremely successful real estate agent who seemed to be getting busier and busier each day. Which also meant her not being here for me or my little brother. My dad even seems a little neglected almost now. She hung up her phone letting out a long sigh before turning to me,

"Marina, your waffles" she said crossing her arms over her chest. I sighed grabbing a plate, that's all she can say? She knows I'm nervous. It's like she doesn't even care. I tell myself as I sit at the table with my waffles brushing off the thoughts.

"How do I get to my school?" I asked even though I knew the answer. I just wanted to see if she would care I guess. But of course she didn't.

"Marina" she sighs "that's what your GPS is for! I mean really you're 17 you should know this by now" she went back to scrolling through her phone.

"I know I just... Wanted to make sure I guess" I said nervously continuing to eat my waffles looking down. She left the kitchen as I left my plate on the table just like I knew she hated, and walked out the door stepping into my black Mini Cooper. I turned on the radio blasting Arabella by Arctic Monkeys and driving to my new high school for the next 5 months of my senior year.


"Ah, Ms. Marina Hollands, it's great to have you aboard Mayflower High School" the principal, Mr. Crawford, -a man who was a short, partially bald, and particularly perky- greeted me with a tight smile and shook my hand. "As your new principal I trust you will find our schooling here at MHS to be both challenging and enjoyable" he nodded his head sharply with each word as he guided me to his office.

I looked around the hallways of the main office seeing millions of plaques and Mac book computers. This school was no joke man. My thoughts were interrupted by Mr. Crawford speaking up again.

"Here at Mayflower we pride ourselves in being the number one high school in not only the district but the greater Orange County area..." He droned on bragging about the band being the best in the state and blah blah blah.

By now we were in his office as I sat in the chair across from him and he poured mea glass of sparkling cider. Is the school even real? "By looking at your report card I can already tell we won't be having any issues from you," he smiled at me sitting in his chair as I took small sips of the cider he had poured. "I just have one question for your scheduling" he smiled at me.

"Yeah, what is it?" I smiled warmly and confidently. That's the thing about me I'm not awkward at all. Being social and charming just comes naturally to me.

"Your election, I see here you were enrolled in art at your previous school but I understand how that can be slightly boring to you, so I have a list here of all of the classes we offer here at MHS" he slid me a light blue paper that I took graciously looking through the electives.

My eyes scanned the list as I quickly found what I wanted "Sign me up for drama class" I smiled as he put up his cup of cider as I clinked my glass with his in cheers.

This school was going to be different.


A/N: Hello people of Wattpad! This is my first story on Wattpad that I plan to actually keep up with lol but yeah so please tell me if I need to Improve anything or not but yeah this is a Luke fanfic and luke will be coming in, in the next chapter this is just like a little short backstory so follow my Instagram and comment what you think. Thanks love you.


Ig: anxlbitch

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